Hard to get-Newt

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It was a regular day in the glade, you were a runner and you loved it it gave you hope. Hope for a better future, but, you see you wanted a future with a certain someone.

You had just gotten back from a run sweat made the loose hair from your messy ponytail stick to your neck and forehead. You wore baggy clothes like always (what they're more comfortable and easier to work in) (true tho) and where just in your way to the map room to draw your map for the day when you saw.


Newt, second in command of the glade, ex runner (though I'm not sure why), blond British bloody genius , and all around the total dream guy. And not the kind with grievers and creators. The good ones, the ones that we was in. But it seemed like he didn't even realized you existed and it was torture. Every day you saw him walk around the glade and it your heart rate sped up every time he came over to check in the runners. With his ruffled up hair, sun shining down on him making him look aglow, and either his shirt clinging to his chest wet with sweat showing off his perfect form or it was off and you could see him perfectly almost making you drool. He looked like a God sent down as a blessing.

You had just finished your map and were hanging out with Minho when Newt just happened to walk by giving Minho a smile and a wave and, as always, seeing right through you as if you weren't there at all. "You're eye fucking him again" Mihno leaning in and whispered in your ear. You realized you had been staring but none the less you tried to defend against Mihno's comment. "What! I'm not eye fucking Newt" you growled at your best friend. "Oh give it up Y/N everyone knows already, stop being so dramatic." he stated as a fact making your jaw drop. "Close your  mouth Y/N the flies are getting out and new ones are coming to take there place, you need to give them a break." he said like the mean-hoe he is with a sassy imaginary hair flip.

You were shocked. you honestly thought you did a pretty good job of hiding your crush in Newt. "Everyone" You question. "Don't worry shank, everybody but him" he said "but don't let that fool you, it'll come out one way or another" and with that he winked at you then took off towards Newt at full speed. So, naturally you ran after him. Luckily you were faster than him and caught up just in time jumped on his back and tackled him to the ground. Unfortunately you were still close enough that Newt heard you jump and Minho whine and turned around to see the whole thing. "HEY!" he raised his voice making you and Mihno slowly raise your heads to look at him. You locked eyes with him for a split second but it felt like an eternity of you being lost but then sadly you had to come back to reality as he looked away to scold you both like the mama newt he was.

"So do either one of you shanks want to explain what the bloody hell i just saw." he spoke. Ok and honestly every time he says bloody hell I can't help but get a little turned on, cause come on!

(if you're reading this I shouldn't even have to explain 😉)

"Well I don't want to so imma leave you two to work it out" all of a sudden Mihno took off. Again. Which, left you alone with newt. Isn't this fantastic you have to come up with a story as to why you tackled Mihno when he was going to tell him her unconditional love for him, isn't that just great. (FEEL the sarcasm)
"Well...umm, huh you see...of shuck just throw me in the slammer or something already." You blurted. He just stood there for a second seemingly shocked "well no one has to go to the slammer for one. Also I'll let it slide just this once cause whatever Mihno did to make you bloody jump him he probably buggin deserved." he chuckled the last bit and did it buggin sound like music to your ears. "Thank you Newt you won't regret it!" He nodded and went on with his day.

Later at dinner you found Mihno and punched him in the arm "OWWYYY" he whined like a five year old "oh don't act like you did t deserve it!" All you got as a response was an eye roll. But then he saw the defeated look on your face "ok, what's wrong." he questioned. He could really be your best friend when he wasn't being a total slinthead. "I mean, it's just like he doesn't know I exist Mihno!" You sighed "Am I really that unnoticeable, or am I just ugly?" " Y/N whatever the shuck your last name is!" You have a slight smile and chuckle to this. "You are beautiful."
(don't get excited they are just bffs, kinda like Elle and Lee, LOVE THE KISSING BOOTH BITCH!!)
"But he probably doesn't notice because you always are wearing those huge clothes that really make you look like one of the guys." He used air quotations "But they're so much more comfortable!" You whined
(Isn't it the truth tho, guys clothes are so much more comfortable, ok I'll leave now, BYE BITCHES!!)
He put up his hands in defense "hey all I'm saying is that maybe you should try something a little more..." he paused in thought "form fitting" he finally decided. "I just don't know mean hoe!" I sighed in exasperation. Mihno rolled his eyes and groaned at my response. "I'm just saying" he started "maybe dress up a little and a little teasing never hurt anyone, especially the dude,they love it and hate it at the same time" he shoots me a wink and a nod behind him over his right shoulder. Where I'm assuming he thinks Newt is? "Newts on the other side you shank" I says sassily. Mihno just glares daggers at me. "Aw did I give the Sass Queen a run for her money" I lean in closer with my hands on my hips "Or is she just speechless" I more of state with a small smirk appearing on my face " you only wish honey" he snaps back. "Later Love!" And with that poor, poor, Newt impression he struts away hands on his hips sashaying away.

No one can dethrone her

My thoughts turn back to newt (as always) "form fitting, tease" I think over and over again.
I start to head back to my hut for some privacy (they built you your own space, you may or may not have said a couple things that were inaccurate about girls to get it, but it was worth it) Thinking about what I was going to do. Was I really going to do it though?

                        To Be Continued...

So it is currently 5:45 am and I have not slept all day and I'm trying to keep busy cause I'm not tired. So here's something I've been working on for a while now and I finally finished it.


Thomas Brodie-Sangster:Great, were all bloody inspiredOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant