The Distortionist X Reader

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A/N: Ok, so in the beginning you might be confused by the line saying ' strange world' 

Blease let me explain my thought process real quick 

So I was kinda going for a setting like in the actual music video, if that makes any sense??? 

If you haven't seen the video for yourself, you can check the external link real quick to understand more of what I was going for (・∀・;)

Also The Distortionist belongs to GHOST

Blease check out their music if u haven't already, it's pretty hecking good ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Oki, lets get this started ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

(Sorry if this is kinda garbage also, I really wanted to get this done)


To your horror, you realized it was the same way you went. He had kept tricking you, or at least you thought it was him. You weren't sure if it was the world he lived in, or him. Whatever it was, you had lived to deal with it ever since you came to this strange world, which was mostly full of broken mirrors. Oh, and this 'him' was Christopher Pierre.

"Come on, I know you're here!" He shouted from somewhere else, with a slight smug tone to his voice. You realized there was most likely no getting away from him. Sure, you've gotten away from him so many times in this world. You could tell this time was different from the last time.

Your heart sank as you heard the sound of another mirror being shattered. You could hear his footsteps close by from the dead end you found. You whipped around to face the side that you had come from, expecting him to show up. What you didn't know is that the world has been manipulated again, so Chris found his way right to you, while you were unaware of your fate.

"Ah, there you are sweetcheeks!" He exclaimed, holding his metal bat behind his back. Since when had he started calling you that? You turned to face him, your heart pounding. You could feel your cheeks heat up at you stared at his figure. His fluffy white hair, his eyes, which you found the most mysterious, his formal wear. God, no wonder why you started falling for him a little while back.

"S-Since when did you start calling me that?" You stammered, as you blushed lightly and shifting your gaze to the ground. You tried to not let it get to you by crossing your arms and looking back up at him. "Only very recently, darling." Chris stated with a smile that you were all too familiar with. No wonder why he had tried harder to find me. You thought, gripping the sides of your arms tighter.

"You seem embarrassed hun," He paused, letting his bat drop to the floor, with it making a 'clank', as he slowly walked closer towards you. You kept your gaze on the floor, but you could hear his footsteps getting closer to you. You could tell that he was standing right in front of you.

Chris turned your gaze towards himself by using one of his hands, your heart fluttering a slight bit when his fingertips reached your cheek. "Mind telling me why?" He asked with a light smirk. Your blush darkened as you stared into his eyes, unsure how he would react to your answer. You loved him, but how did he feel toward you?

You shifted your eyes away from his as you hesitated. "'s because of you." You muttered just loud enough so Chris heard it as you placed one hand over his. You swear you could see a faint blush on his face, while his gaze softened. He pulled you closer so his arms could wrap around you in a comforting manner. "Don't worry darling, I already knew." He stated while slowly running his fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest as you couldn't believe this was happening. He's so caring for me. You thought. You let your arms wrap themselves around him like he was doing with you. You could feel him slightly flinch, not expecting you to respond to his action.

"You're not going to let go, are you?" Chris sighed, loosening his grip on you. You shook your head no as best you could with your arms still around him. You could feel your eyelids becoming heavy, but you were snapped out of your state from getting lifted slightly off the floor, so you were face-to-face with Chris. Wait, what's he doing? You thought as you blushed heavily.

He stared into your eyes with an expression you couldn't read. "Uhm, Chris? W-What are you-" You stammered out before his lips met yours. You melted into the kiss while wrapping your arms around his neck. It seemed to last forever. You pulled away seconds after, honestly not sure what to feel. He looked at you and smiled, while you did the same back, but yours more nervous. "Don't worry hun, we can stay together,"


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