The Follower X Reader

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A/N: I'm just going to say this right now, I'm sorry for this one

The Follower is in the game 123 Slaughter Me Street, which mainly belongs to John Kolbek

Also this contains a small amount of cursing, so turn back now if you're bothered by that

Ok, now lets get this started for real > : 3


You had only recently awoke from what had last happened, of which you couldn't remember, to darkness surrounding you. The only form of light you noticed was a flickering flashlight not too far from you. You tried to stand up but you hissed in pain as your left foot touched the ground, which caused you to slink down to how you were laying previously. Your ankle was either sprained, or worse, broken. Fuck. You thought.

Looking forward to having any sense of your surroundings, you crawled to the flashlight, which was still flickering. After smacking it a couple of times the flickering stopped for the moment and you shone the flashlight forward in the direction you were facing. Corridor. You thought. The exit appeared at the end, not so far away from where you lay. "Welp, guess there's only one way out now." You said to no one in particular.

You slowly stood up with the flashlight in your hand, propping yourself up against the brick wall, making sure to not put any pressure on your injured ankle. You limped down the dark corridor, occasionally smacking the flashlight because of it going out. You were about to turn the knob of the exit door when you heard a noise behind you. Frantically, you turned around and aimed your flashlight down the hallway, pressing your body to the door. Your heart sank as what you saw came into view.

At the end of the dark corridor stood a blue, goat-like figure with curly horns, staring at you with pure black eyes, except for two tiny sky-blue pupils. Terror plagued you as you stared back at the creature, your other hand frantically reaching for the knob of the exit door. You almost fell back down the stairs as the door opened, with you quickly moving to the other side of the door and slamming it shut. You took a moment to shine the flashlight around, getting a good view of the stairs and walls.

There was blood splattered on the wall but you paid it no mind. Escape was your first priority. You slowly limped down the stairs, being sure to keep the flashlight from going out, as fearing the creature would come back. Finally you reached the door leading out. You turned the knob, only to be greeted by the same corridor. "Oh, come on!" You screeched. You sighed, moving past the door and shutting it behind you. Tonight is going to be a long one. You thought.

Shining the flashlight down the corridor, you continued limping down to the exit. About half way through, you heard a small squawk, exactly like that of a bird. Does that thing have more friends down here? You thought. Your flashlight flickered out, but before getting a moment to turn it back on, you barely saw something thrust out from one of the corridors, almost like a talon, and grab you by your neck, raising you up off the ground slightly.

That...fucking thing. You thought. You heard a thud, realizing that you dropped your flashlight. From the dark, you could make out what was holding you a small bit. It looked like a pink bird with wavy horns and completely black eyes, sort of like the other creature you saw before. It let out a squawk of triumph before the thing got the nerve to slash its claws across your chest.

The only energy you had left was kicking the thing in the chest, sending it back a few corridors or so. Every breath in or out caused so much pain, and only because of that bird. You thought it was over, but your mind changed as you saw something step in front of you, almost to protect you. You reached for your flashlight and smacked it on, only to have your heart sink as you found out it was that other creature from the first floor standing in front of you. But it wasn't facing you.

The blue goat stood in front of you making gestures to the bird, seemingly to not attack. You sat through the whole ordeal with one hand over your injury. After the long agonizing minutes that you had to sit there for, finally, the bird left through one of the side corridors. The puppet in front turned around to check on you, only to grow a worried look and be greeted by your wounds still leaking blood.

The goat gave you a gesture, basically to wait there as it quickly disappeared through one of the side corridors. You heard shuffling in the side corridor that the puppet went through before it emerged through the darkness back to where you stay, with what appeared to you as gauze in one of its hands. You were genuinely surprised by this. Just that one creepy encounter went to this in a matter of moments.

You sat in silence while the goat patched up the claw marks across your chest. When it finished, you reached forward and wrapped your arms around the puppet while whispering a 'thank you'. You never really knew how soft and furry that this goat was, but it felt like you could fall asleep with your arms wrapped around it forever. You had places to go though, particularly out of this corridor you found yourself into.

You pulled away, your heart racing, as you didn't know what this blue goat would think. "Ah, sorry. I-I don't know what overcame me." You stammer, a light blush across your face. The puppet only smiled at your little shenanagin. It spelled out the words 'It's fine' with one of its claws, making you reassured because this puppet couldn't speak, so it was your only option of understanding it.

"So, what's your name anyway?" You asked. It started to spell out the word and you pieced it together to be 'Follower'. "Well, Follower, I should really be going. My friends are probably looking all over for me!" You laughed, propping yourself against the wall to stand up with your flashlight in hand. "Oh, also, will I encounter that bird again?" You asked, obviously not wanting to have that same thing happen again.

The Follower nodded a 'no' to you, in which you sighed in relief. You waved in goodbye, as it did the same, while you started to limp down the hallway. You stopped to look back to see the puppet disappear in the darkness of the corridor. Although you occasionally could notice the glowing, sky blue eyes watching you, as if to make sure that you were safe. Maybe not everything is bad with these puppets.

Maybe it was just right.

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