The Awkward Day After

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A low hum came from Val as he rolled over. He almost instantly regretted moving as a splitting pain shot through his head, "Fucking hell." He groaned softly as he opened his eyes. That was something he also instantly regret doing, "Good morning to you too, light." He muttered as he carefully rolled over again, this time hitting something warm. Another soft hum came from the male as he was satisfied where he was. His mind then started wandered to the party last night. That's when he realized the "thing" he was technically cuddling with was breathing. He also realized he could barely remember the night before. Val opened his eyes again as he slowly sat up, noting his aching body, which he believed was from the party, 'Please don't let it be a woman.' he thought as he looked at who was sleeping next to him. His face paled as his crystal eyes scanned the other's face. It wasn't a woman. That's for sure, "Holy fuck." He muttered as he stared at the face of somebody he actually hated a lot, Jax Temrax. That's when all the alcohol from the previous night decided to come up. The CEO didn't care if he woke up the other now as he rushed out of the bed and towards the bathroom. He noticed the cool air against his surprisingly bare skin, but didn't have any time to actually think about it as he practically hurled his insides into the toilet. A few minutes passed as he let out a long groan, his head pounding even more than before. He lifted his head weakly as he shakily wiped his mouth with toilet paper. Val flushed the toilet, but didn't get up. Instead, he rested his head against the toilet seat, debating if he actually wanted to get up, "I wonder if this is what it feel like to jump off a building and live." He muttered weakly to himself before whining softly as talking hurt his head more. Val hated to admit it, but he really wanted to crawl back into Jax's bed and go back to sleep.

Jax was sleeping peacefully when he was rudely awoken by loud heaving. Jax groaned softly as he held onto his head, hangovers were never fun, though he was not nearly as bad as the man who was throwing up in his toilet. He took a deep breath and stood up, he grabbed a pair of his silk boxer briefs and threw them on, he didn't fancy being seen naked when they weren't having fun. Jax slowly made his way to the bathroom to see his lover from the night before, he had to half limp because of the throbbing ache in his hips. He hated to admit something like that out loud but he might use it to tease this one later on. Jax leaned against the door frame as he looked into the room.

"That was some party." he mumbled awkwardly, usually he was great at the morning after stuff but this situation was a smidge different then normal. Who knew his drunken self would fall into bed with the CEO of his rival company. It was a bit of a pain, but he wasn't an absolute jerk. Jax slowly walked over to the man kneeling over the toilet and rubbed his back gently, "Do you want some water? Coffee? Aspirin?" he listed the things he usually used to get back into the swing of things. He could feel and see the bright red scratch marks on Val's back, he blushed and looked away, not saying a word. He would never admit to that! Part of him really wanted to crawl back into bed and block out the daylight. "Or... ya know... we could always just crawl back in bed and pretend that neither of us has woken up yet. To um... avoid this awkward conversation."

Jax knew that he was the one making it awkward, but the guy had a knack for awkwardness around work stuff. He was usually smooth, charming, charismatic, but when it came to rival companies he always seemed to say the wrong thing. And now that the leader of his biggest rival was in his bedroom naked... well, it was a bit nerve-wracking.

Val lazily looked over at the other male, "Yup....wish I could remember what the hell happened." His voice was soft as he closed his eyes, fighting sleep. He slowly slipped away before jerking awake again upon feeling a hand on his back. A groan came out in response before he gazed up at Jax, "Is it possible to overdose on aspirin?" He muttered, his eyes glazed over like a doll's.

Jax was shocked by the question. He stared at the other for a tiny bit then shook his head, "I guess..... If you took like... twelve or something stupid." he mumbled as he stared at the drunken idiot in his bathroom.

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