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For a moment, everything she could see was a white light.

For a moment, she barely registered she was conscious; her eyes seemed to be the only thing working properly. Her lungs were still failing, and she could barely feel her heartbeat. That was a new sensation - to be awake. Something made noise in her side. A funny noise, like a singing, repeating itself over and over. Bip, bip.

Is it a song?, was her first thought after being awake.

She looked at that light until it made her eyes hurt, which didn't take long; those eyes had been closed for too long. She gathered her strength to look away, trying to find the source of the noise. But the light seemed to follow her eyes, no matter where she looked. That place seemed to be full of lightning. Where am I?, was her second thought after being awake, while she stared at the light in front of her eyes. It moved slowly. Like it's dancing to the song, was her third thought.

But then the agonizing pain in her lungs became almost unbearable for her to think properly. She wanted to scream. Her eyes found the girl that stared at her paralyzed on the edge of the bed. And between the pain she felt and the difficulty to catch her breath, somehow Aurora was able to smile. A wave of relief invaded her.

She wasn't looking at the light, but it kept shining in the corner of her eye. It took her only a moment to see it - and, before her eyes, the light suddenly took the form of white, pale walls around the two of them.

"I had a weird dream", were the only words she was able to speak, as her eyes turned to stare the hospital ceiling again.

sleeping beauty - revisitedWhere stories live. Discover now