Chapter 3

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BOARSING SCHOOL, WHAT !!!!!!!!! Chapter 3

So now we are in the car on our way to the air port when my mom turns around in her seat and drops the biggest boom yet and tells me that my uncle Peter called up one day and offered to put me in his boarding school, his boarding school in Japan hidden back in the mountains. Ok so far all I keep thinking is keep breathing Dustie in and out, in and out, in and out, ok not working here!!!! I look out the window to see where we are and realize that somehow we are on a privet loading area. The plane came into view and it was a solid black jet.

Wow this is nice, as I was getting out of the car and started to look around I realized that we were the only ones their. So I headed to the plane to get settled and my step dad called after me saying, I hope you get your ass kicked at your all boys boarding school, maybe you will learn some respect. I heard what he said and all I could cope with is sitting down on the planes steps with a look of shock in my face. I think I only sat there for a few minutes but someone tapped me on the shoulder I looked behind me to see the hottest set of green eyes staring back at me.

"Wow" is all I could say. Green eyes just let out a full belly laugh and sat down next to me. I turned so red and tried to hide behind my hair but I don't think it worked because he asked me what my name was "D-Dustie" was all I could say. "Well dustie I'm James and I will be the pilot for this flight" James said. "Cool so am I going to be the only person on here?" I asked. "Well no this plane is headed to Clearing Wood Privet School in Japan, but we tend to help out stranded people when they get stuck. So where are you headed to Dustie?" James asked.

"I'm actually going to Clearing Wood Privet School" I said. "You what! You know that's a privet school for boy's right?" "ya I know my butt head step dad just yelled it to me as he and my mom where driven off " I said. "Well dustie can I see where you're sitting? " I handed him my ticket and he looked even more un happy. "Hey dustie I'm going to put you in my privet room ok there is lots of stuff to do in their" james said. "Ok why do you want to put me in their?" I asked starting to get worried.

"Well we have like 50 more stops between here and Japan and this jet is going to be full to the brim with guys that are haven to leave any chance of being with a girl behind and I don't want to take the chance of one of them being two friendly with you before we talk to the head master. Oh ya and I'm one of the teachers at your new school, I teach business management". "Cool I don't even know what classes I'm taking yet, I hope I have you, your seem pretty cool for a teacher" I said.


I took her to my privet room and helped her get settled in and told her how long our flight was going to be. "Hey Dustie?" james asked. "Hey why don't you just call me D for short" she said "Cool well just so you realize this flight is got to be at least a week because we have so many others to pick up's ok?" I asked. She's blushing again she is pretty cute when she does that, wow dam dude I gotta stop thinking like that she is a new student.

"Oh ya that's fine um where is that bathroom and what should I do when I get hungry" she asked. "The flight attendant will come bye with some food and drinks for you he will be informed of your situation and there is my privet bathroom" I said. I heard her squeak of a quiet thank you and I say my good byes and headed up front where Nick my copilot was. When I walked in the first thing I told Nick was we got a major problem and I need to call the head master before the others started to arrive.

I finally got the head master on the phone and asked "Ralf we got a pretty big problem going on here there is a girl going to our school and she should not be what's going on?" I asked. "Oh you must be talking about my nice Dustie Lee, ya she is going to be coming here tell she turns 21 like all the others" Ralf said. "What are you nuts? Do you really think she can survive here with all these female deprived men?" I asked. "Oh I know she will be fine, try not to worry about her I will have plenty of guards waten for her when you guys touchdown." Ralf said.

Boarding School WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon