Chapter 11

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Boarding School WHAT!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 11


"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOOUT" I screamed at Ashley. "Well sweetie you broke the condom last night, well for some reason you all broke condoms last night" she said. The room went silent after that. Then D came out of her room and went to the fridge. "Oh ya if you really wanna know if there is a chance they really are pregnant you might want to go look at the condoms you uses and check for holes" she said and went back to her room.

I did not think twice I just ran to my bed side trash and pulled out the one I used and sure enough there were five holes in the very tip of it. When I walked back into the living room Ashley looked scared "IF YOU DO NOT GET OUT OF MY SITE RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!" I screamed at her. The rest of the guys ran to check the ones they used. I walked over to her grabbed her arm and led her to the door shoved her through it.

When I got back to the living room the other guys were doing the same thing I just did. When they were all gone I just sat there in quite. I can't believe Ashley would stoop so low. She really was not the person I thought she was. I was still lost in thought when the other guys came in. "ALL OF YOU GET THE FUCK OUT NOW GO NOW OR I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU" Brian was yelling. The rest of the girl's ran out of our dorm after that.

No one talked no one moved no one did a thing for what felt like a long time. I think a few hours went by before any one move. Then Brian of all people went over to D door and knocked when she opened he asked "Can I talk to you please" all she did was step back and he walked in and she shut the door. I looked around to everyone else they were all just a shocked as I was. "You guys what are we going to do? You know by law if they are pregnant we have to marry them, why the fuck would they do something so fucking stupid, they have to have been planning this for a long time now" I said aloud.

"Something is going on with them because Vanessa has been acting weird for the last six months" Pedro said. "So has Jasmine" Stephen said. "The same with Rachel" Damien said. "Scarlet as well" Sinclair said. "Ashley has been as nice as ever but when she is too nice I know something is up and she has been like that for about six's months as well now" I said and with that we all fell back in to our own thoughts


I'm shocked that she even let me in her room. I just stood there as she went back to her bed and got on her computer. "You wanted to talk to talk" she said. "How did you know that we should check the condoms we used" I asked her. She started laughing "oh my if you can't figure that out then you really have never seen what it's like to be someone form a lower class then you" D said. "What do you mean" I asked. "Have you been distancing yourself from your girlfriend and if you have that's why she did it" D said.

"So because I started not to like her any more she got her self knocked up?" I asked. She shook her head no and said "she does not even care about you all she wanted was to be queen of your species any way she could. All she wants is the power behind it and the money" she said. "A can I sit down please?" I asked her. "Ya I don't care any where is fine" she said. I sat down next to her "how is it that you know all this stuff" I asked her. "Scents the second I stepped foot on these grounds I have gotten all of the memories of the past lives I have had in each species and all of the fighting skills from each time I lived through" she told me.

I just looked at her in shock and disbelief. "I know how women think and they always think if they get pregnant that will fix everything, in all of the memories I have I have never once had a husband, I just had lovers and children and this time around I will marry six men and they are going to help me rule over all six species at least that is what the legend says" my heart was pounding so hard the she keeps going "I will fall in love with who I choose and when I choose, so when that time comes how is going to say that the prince this is in head for his species is going to become my king" she said and just let that hanging in the air for a while.

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