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Ever since that entire event occured to Blue Zircon hadn't seen, let alone even heard about Yellow Zircon. She felt lonely, confused and bored. She just felt as if everyone forgot her and just casted her off to die. I mean, is that what others do?

She knew deep down that was crazy, but lately everything seems possible.

" A message from your friend." A voice started Blue, but she was happy to hear the voice of Lars. " She told me to tell you that's she going to be telling you something."

" Why couldn't she come and tell me?"

"You see, we all found a ship. I told her to stay and scout out more of the defense along with the others." Blue thought that was nuts.Yellow being a scout was kinda crazy, but she just went along with it.

" Please don't leave me here!" Desperate, Blue tries to reach for Lars without luck. " I'm going insane, I need someone to talk too!"

" Why don't you ask Y-"

" She won't let me. She never even checked on me. Stars, she hates me. If you don't help me stand, I'll stand myself." Blue was about to force herself to stand when she felt another hand grab her own and pull her up to stand.

" I guess it's more proper to have someone to talk to, I know how you feel." Lars laughs and helps Blue walk over to the spot where the others. It took bit due to Blue energy situation was getting worse due to stress.

" T-this isn't save! We could get caught and shattered!" Rhodonite covered her head.

" I don't care. I want to get off this planet and save Blue. " Yellow Zircon yelled. She clenched her fists angrily. " You off-colours are too scared to do anything!"

"Hold it guys!" Lars yells from a distance " What's going on now?!" Lars picks up Blue and quickly runs up to the two.

Yellow Zircon whips around, ready to throw out a insult. when she finds that Lars has bring out Blue Zircon out.

" Lars is back with the that Blue gem!" Padparadscha says cheerfully.

Yellow wasn't too happy. " Why you bring her out!"

" Since you been ignoring me I decided to come out myself. " Blue Zircon says quietly as Lars puts her on the ground.

"This is stupid." Yellow says loudly. " Everyone of you is crazy!"

" That's uncalled for, Yellow. " Blue grumbles. " Stop acting like your not afraid. "

" Like you know me." Yellow scoffs. " I'm going back to scouting the ship." Yellow Zircon was about to leave when suddenly the sound of wirrling filled the air.

Everyone began to panic slightly and Lars quickly began to give commands.

Yellow Zircon glanced over to blue;now slightly panicking quickly grabs Blue and runs behind a large rock.

At first Blue listen to Yellow's ranting about how stupid she was and how dumb it was to think that she couldn't help.

" You gonna rant on me, why are you trying to save me. Just let stay out there if you don't care." Blue mumbled tiredly, she was done. She didn't know why Yellow was on her case, but it was getting on her nerves.

She waiting and waiting for a responds, but it never came. At first all the sounds she her was the sounds of the others fighting off what she guessed were Robonoids, then it grew into soft sobbing.

" Oh my stars, I am so sorry. I am so sorry!" Yellow sobs growed louder. " I just feel so helpless knowing that I basically killed you with fusing idea a-and..."

Rivals To PartnersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora