Hungry First Uber

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One would think with the encounters I've had with Uber and Lyft that I would   not use the service anymore. Well I guess not. This driver was so confusing. How about I never met him. I was watching the trip from his house to mine. But he never made it to my house. I didn't find it creepy that I watched were the drivers started from, I just wanted to know the exact time it would take and how far they were. This driver made it exactly one minute away from my house. The maps on uber were Legit on small businesses. So I think the driver stopped at this pizza shop or a bodegas becausehe was parked in one spot for eight minutes. I didn't understand if it only took a few minutesto get to my house what were you doing. You would think the driver would call like oh my car broke down or I stopped really quick but no he just stood there parked. So I attempted to cancel trip but it threatened to take $5.00.  So when I seen the trip was only $5.65 I felt the driver was trying to get over on me. He would get money either way if je picked me or he didn't. I was pissed.  I went to the store and by the time I arrived back home I received an email from uber about a refund. I got so excited because that wouldn't be fair to take money from me and you had me waiting past the time I was supposed to be picked up. The policy stated if you refund within two  minutes no refund but my time was eight minutes past so I got it back. Maybe the drivers car broke down i wasn't sure but I didn't get an explanation.

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