I will Stay

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        "I'll be right back, stay here" She watches as her leader Toth gets down off the carriage and walks off.

      Skout sighs. 'She looks good from every direction.' She shakes the thought away. "Such a Dunderhead" she mumbles to herself.

     "We should bail. Nows our chance. I'm sick of her." Skout sits up straight and listens closely to the voices from the back of the carriage. "She's gives my people a bad name she's short tempered and aggressive."

"Plus we're never gonna catch the Nomad under her command."

Skout grits her teeth. They're talking about Toth. Even after she's given them everything. They outta be grateful.

She heads to the back as the Soldier are getting up. "Don't. You outta be ashamed talking about the Captain like that. We're so close to catching the Nomad. We wouldn't have even found 'em if it weren't for her. And sure she can get angry sometimes but we all can..don't leave now. If you're going to leave then at least wait till we've caught that dreaded Nomad."

The men look at eachother. "Why do you stand up for her?"

   Skout blushes. "B-because...."

"Because good soldiers are supposed to help their captains. Thats what you all should be doing." Skout jumps. She hadn't seen Toth. She was so close. Phewf.

    "C-Captain Toth!" They back up afraid of what she might do. "We didn't-"

"Save it. Find the Nomad  by yourselves if you feel that strongly about it." Toth crosses her arms. Skout was have expecting her to kill them but instead she just watched as the men walked off into the dessert with barely any supplies.

       "At least I have somebody to count on." Skout blushes. Toth hops back on the carriage and holds our her hand. "Are you coming or not?"

"I will always be by your side."

Toth x Skout No matter what they sayWhere stories live. Discover now