El Sol y la luna

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"One of the things I like about looking at pictures when you're young and also meeting back with old friends you haven't seen in a long time is, for me, it's a glimpse of who I was"(Lea Thompson).

Last Chapter

"How is that this place always looks so nice and yet we do not clean that often", Hope said in awe as she placed her bag down on the chair. She sat down and closed her eyes with a peaceful look on her face.

Hope softly chuckled as she opened her eyes,"You do know that I can see you, my Dear Little Fae".

12 Hours earlier Somewhere

What was it that brought them together, to be united in this perfect love?

It must have been fate in a mortal form that brought them together. She knew from the moment she laid eyes on him that they were meant to be. From then on, they were inseparable. They shared every part of their life with each other. That was how it was to this very day.

Yes. She often reflected upon that day with fondness. It was a day that had changed her life, after all.

She was an immaculate woman of unquestionable experience, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the sapphire water with her blameless lilac crystals. Her sanguine hair danced lightly in the ocean breeze, tickling against one cheek as she smiled to herself with anticipation, resting her cheek against one hand as she traced a finger along her silver necklace. She wore a rose flowing gown, sweeping out behind her. Her locks flowed in a burgundy torrent past her shoulders, complementing her unblemished roseate-flushed milky visage. A noticeable sigil provided proof of her descent. For a moment, she absorbed herself in these thoughts, of her, and Remus Lupin.

"Hello," Remus Lupin said simply with a smile on his face. His mahogany pools complimented his copper hair, brushing against his ears, belying his blameless heart. He was dressed in his usual everyday clothes. He was milky and sturdily built. A prominent scar stood out on his ivory skin. As she drew nearer, she caught a note of his familiar scent that brought yellowed pages to mind. She smiled to herself. It always reminded her of the time they shared.

"Oh, Remus ! You came!" She said breathlessly, reaching out to take him into an embrace. He laughed and put his arms around her, holding her as they turned about once on the sand with their momentum. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

To their surprise, she was the first to speak. "I-I've never really... had anything like this." She clung a little tighter to Remus's soft hand, resting her head against his

"Never?" he asked.

"Oh, never," she said breathlessly. "You are my first true love."

"I love you," he replied, landing a peck on her soft brick-colored mane.

"I love you too."

They strolled together for a few moments, the beautiful clear cerulean sky decorated with only a few hints of loamy clouds. The sun struck her coiffure in a cherry halo about her face.

Remus looked at her admiringly. "You're beautiful," he told her. She blushed.

"W-Why do you say that...?" she stuttered, still recovering from his compliment.

"Because it's the truth." Remus Lupin placed his hand around her, drawing her nearer. "Not only that," he continued. "You're talented as well. We couldn't have saved the world without you."

"I caused a lot of trouble for you," she mumbled. "You were really the one who did all those amazing things. And you're so strong..." Her eyes wandered over his face, his guileless depths, his swarthy locks. "... And handsome. I'm so lucky to have met you."

"It must have been destiny." He gave her an assuring squeeze. "But I never want you in that kind of danger again."

"As long as you're by my side," she whispered, letting Remus draw her into an embrace, "nothing bad will happen to me."

"I swear it," he affirmed.

"Nothing..." she whispered, her hand seeking out his soft ones.

After a few moments, they found themselves walking down the beach again. Something rose to the front of her mind -- something she had been trying to beat back all this time. It was so special to her to be with Remus Lupin, and she didn't want to pass that time making them both feel horrible. But it just wouldn't leave her alone.

With concern, Remus turned his gentle windows to his soul toward her. "What's wrong?"

"Remus ... it's..."

And at that moment everything came together, all of the magic and the hurt that had been building that day, and he locked his crystals with hers and whispered, "You can tell me."

It was like a floodgate burst, or some barrier of fear had been struck down. She shook her head and everything came out at once. "It's just something that happens... with time. I don't think it's something you would know, Remus. It's been so long since I was born. So many things have happened since then. All of it... it presses down on my mind. It hurts Remus. At times I only wish to rest in peace. I've seen too much...."

Remus listened silently and solemnly. At last, when all the words had left her and she was at a loss for words, he reached out to her and took a deep breath to whisper back, " that's awful. I wish that weren't how it is. I wish I could say more." Her eyes began to burn, and she abruptly pulled him into a fierce embrace. His depths widened at first, but then he too felt overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the warmth of her touch.

"You," She whispered, her breath hot on his ear. "As long as you're here, I'll be all right." They held each other as tears trickled down cheeks and dripped onto the shifting sands to be carried away into the sea. With time and soothing embraces, their pain dissipated into a mist swept out by the ocean breeze and into the setting sun.

They basked in each other's quiet companionship for a few moments.

Suddenly Remus woke up and jumped up from his bed.

"Okay, that is the last time I let Sirius talk me into drinking firewhiskey."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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