Chapter 13

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Beca slightly opened her eyes to the sound of some beeping. She wasn't fully conscious yet, but heard voices around her that sounded like she was under water. A blurry face welcomed her view with more gargling that slowly started to sound clearer. "…worried about you." She could finally make out the last part of the sentence, assuming that it started with 'I was so..'

"Jesse?" she mumbled in a barely audible voice.

The man nodded. "I'm here Becs." He assured her. "You're going to be fine."

Beca looked around her, but couldn't find anyone else besides Stacie. She felt slightly hurt about the fact that nobody visited her aside from Jesse.

"Don't worry, everyone still loves you." Stacie chuckled. "It's just that, nobody knows you're in the hospital."

"Yeah, the bathrooms were located near the exit so nobody noticed when I carried you out of there last night. We thought it would be better to keep it to ourselves. No need to get them worried on their happy day." Jesse added and pointed at the tall brunette. "I'm going to get coffee, do you want some?"

Stacie shook her head. "No, thanks."

When the man left the room, she turned to Beca and glared at her. "What are you doing to yourself, Becs?"

"What do you mean?" Beca frowned as she pushed herself up by her elbows, leaning against the back of the bed. "Wait, these aren't my clothes," she teasingly complained as she looked at the shirt she was wearing.

Stacie sighed. "That's mine, I had an extra shirt. Jesse said you hate wearing hospital gowns so he asked me if I had a spare shirt for you to use."

"But it's pink."

"Now, don't change the topic. I told you to take it easy. You're overdoing yourself." Stacie said rather anxiously. "If Jesse was too late to notice your absence at that party, I wouldn't have been able to save you. You could've…" she trailed off with a sigh as her eyes plummeted to her shoes. It was still a sensitive topic for her. The tall brunette was accustomed to people dying in the hospital and never felt less sad for anyone, but of course it was going to be way harder when it's a good friend of hers.

"I'm going to die soon anyway, at least you wouldn't need to worry anymore." Beca responded with a smirk.

The doctor rolled her eyes at her friend, still not being able to understand how she was still so carefree about it. "I'm not even going to continue this conversation with you." She declared. "It was supposed to be my day off since it's my wedding anniversary, but instead, I went here to take care of you. Unfortunately for me, you don't even seem to care about it, so if you don't mind, I'm leaving to do what I had actually planned for the day."

Beca grinned and pursed her lips as she raised her eyebrows at the tall brunette who walked towards the door.

The woman was about to step outside when Jesse approached them. "Hey, where are you going?" he frowned at the woman.
Stacie gestured towards the tiny brunette who was grinning widely in her hospital bed, something that Stacie didn't see often as a doctor. "This woman doesn't need to be taken care of. I'm leaving her to you." She softly tapped the man on his shoulder before turning around and leave the room.

"It's too expensive, Bree." Chloe furrowed her brows as Aubrey moved behind her, putting a necklace around her neck. "I can't accept this."

The blonde turned the other woman around and admired her for a moment. "It really looks lovely."

"But Aubrey..." the redhead tried to protest but got cut off immediately.

"You look perfect." Aubrey smiled. "Go look at it in the mirror."

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