Chapter 4: Yuri? Well alright...

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Hey guys I know I really messed up. I left this book for so long. But I'm back. Hopefully for a while. I have been so busy with school and my other story that I quite literally forgot about it until my friend Drake reminded me that it existed. So thank him for that last update.

Your P.O.V

It was pretty early when I woke up this morning. I didn't really have much to do until I remembered that Yuri was coming over today. Not going to lie here I was pretty nervous. I don't really know what to expectation from her. Eventually I just had to get moving or else I might look like a train wreck by the time she shows up. I put on my favorite outfit and started cleaning my room. Though I keep my room fairly clean 24/7, however, it needed a little more attention today. After that I made sure nothing was out of place or looked remotely off. Of course I left some things more relaxed since I didn't want to come off as a perfectionist or uptight snob who needs everything to be exactly where it's supposed to be. At this point I was stressing a little too hard so I took a break to stop me from becoming unapproachable. But to my dismay, I heard a knock at the door. I looked over at my clock and realized time had moved way faster than I initially thought.

(F/n): Crap! It's already 2:00?!

I ran down stairs and went for the door but suddenly I stopped and started having a hard time moving.

(F/n): (Pull yourself together dammit!)

I opened the door to see Yuri in a black sweater and blue jeans. Odd for sure since it's still a little humid out these days. I kinda just stared for a second.

Yuri: S-Sorry I was late. I had a little trouble finding your house.

(F/n): Sorry about that...

Yuri: Well it isn't your fault.

(F/n): Anyways how about we get this party started?

Yuri: Heh heh sure.

She smiled softly at me as we then proceeded to make our way to my room. We decided to take a New Year's festival take on our banner since it was the beginning of the school year. We threw in a few odd things in there like spring flowers but in the end it came together quite nicely. There was still some things that needed to be wrapped up like color filling. It was getting kind of late so I decided to get something to eat started. When I got to the kitchen I didn't know exactly what Yuri liked so I stood around wondering what would work. I decided I'd ask Yuri what she'd like so I went back upstairs. I opened the door to see Yuri looking around my room. At first glance it looked like she was just inspecting my stuff but after a second it really just felt like she was curious as of my interests. I don't like to keep my room decorated for simplicity's sake. I also appreciate not having a picture of someone staring at me as I do anything. I eventually made my presence known to which Yuri seemed a little shocked by.

(F/n): Hey Yuri.

Yuri: Oh! Um....hey...

(F/n): There's no need to feel bad you can look around it's not like I'm hiding it. For God's sake it's on display.

Yuri: Well when you put it like that... I guess there really isn't a reason to get all fussed.

(F/n): Well I came back up to ask what you wanted to eat.

Yuri: You really don't have to-

(F/n): C'mon it's no big deal. Did you want me to just get delivery or something? Cause I can do that too.

Yuri: Anything's fine.

(F/n): Well I guess tonight feels like it deserves a nice smooth end to it wouldn't you agree?

Yuri: I guess I do feel a little stressed...

(F/n): Then how about pizza? I'll get whatever kind ya like.

Yuri: Are you sure?

(F/n): Absolutely positive.

Yuri: Hmmm... I think just pepperoni is fine.

(F/n): Stuffed crust or no stuffed crust?

Yuri: Is that even supposed to be a question?

(F/n): Stuffed it is.

Yuri: Hehehe what person turns down stuffed crust?

(F/n): Not any person I know that's for sure. Say did you want to uh...

Yuri: Want to what?

(F/n): I don't know like watch a movie or something like that?

Yuri: Sounds great actually. I think we've worked hard today and I'd love to relax.

(F/n): Perfect, now what to watch?

Yuri: Well as you know I'm a pretty big book fanatic so I won't be much help in the movie department.

(F/n): I guess your right. Hmmm...

Yuri: We could just watch whatever's on.

(F/n): I know! Back to the Future!

Yuri: Which one?

(F/n): The best one. The first one.

Yuri: Sounds like fun to me.

(F/n): Great! I'll get the living room set up.

After about an half an hour the two pizzas I ordered show up and the movies booting up. I set the table up and got some drinks as we sat down to enjoy the movie. I shut the lights off since it was late and Yuri asked if she could spend the night. It was almost midnight already so decided to say yes. She informed her parents and got the ok so we were set to enjoy the rest of our night. I eventually grabbed two blankets so we could be comfortable. The couch was a two person couch so we were pretty close together which I was NOT complaining about. Slowly her head started drifting towards my shoulder. After the first movie went by I put the sequel on to keep this good thing going.

Yuri: Hey, (F/n)?

(F/n): Yea?

Yuri: Is th-this okay with you?

(F/n): What?

Yuri: You know the whole shoulder thing...

(F/n): Yeah it's fine, I don't mind.

Yuri: Well it's a little uncomfortable for my neck but y-you are p-pretty comfy.

(F/n): Well nothing like a better position will help right?

Yuri: You sure?

(F/n): Of course. I'd rather you feel better than worse so...

Yuri: Point taken.

She ended up completely laying up next to me and eventually falling asleep. With every breath she took I could feel her chest rising and falling. The pattern had grown to be something that helped me fall asleep as well. I shut the TV off and nodded off into one of the best sleeps of my life.


Dang I really need to get back into my consistency. Well I hope you liked the chapter. I plan on ending it soon so I can work on other things too. Until next time.

Literature Love | Yuri x M!Reader | A DDLC storyWhere stories live. Discover now