-just a scratch-

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"beep, beep, beep, BEEP"

Fuck I have breakfast at the Seavey's house

I jump out of bed and check my clock to see its 9:30am. I HAVE TO BE IN THEIR HOUSE IN AN HOUR.

I panic and just run to the closet to see what I could find that's remotely pleasing. I find a plain pink crop top and some high waisted light blue jeans that paired perfectly together. I look through my shoes and decide to go with my comfortable white converse.

Okay done with the outfit now hair and makeup. I grabbed my curling iron and lightly curled my hair then decided to let it loose. I put on some winged eyeliner which was a pain in the ass to put on but whatever good impressions Melissa good impressions.

I put some nude pink lipstick that looked revolting on me then looked at the time its 9:40am I got ready quick I internally high five myself then grab my mini backpack with all my things in it then head downstairs.

Darian (Melissa's dad)- heyyyy sweetie

He drunkly walked over to me slurring his words while holding a bottle of vodka.

Oh god please no, not now

Darian- how are you doing my lovely daughter?

He said slurring his words his breath reeking with the stench alcohol

Melissa- you're drunk, move

I pushed him away from me but he grabbed my hand with his strong very familiar grip that he used to hold me with when I was younger

Darian- you will not disrespect me young lady hell the fuck no remember I'm your FUCKING DAD GOD DAMNIT NOT SOME FUCKING OBJECT

Melissa- a poor excuse of a dad Is what you are

He slapped me with his whole force then punched me in the stomach then pushed me up against the wall

Darian- let this be the last time you disrespect you father you piece of shit do you understand me

Melissa- I understand dad

He let go of me then walked away into the kitchen. I slid down the wall and sat down on the floor I felt tears building up but I pull them back

I still don't know why I let him do it maybe its cause of my mother's wish for me and my dad to be a perfect family or the fact that there's that tiny tiny part of me that doesn't want to hurt him but oh well he's been doing this since I was a kid it's not new to me I'm used to getting beat up whether it's my dad or on the streets fighting

He hurt me BAD I had a bruise on my stomach for sure and my lip was bleeding, shit

I wipe off the blood from my bottom lip get up and walk out the door. I wait at the bus stop for like 10 minutes then I finally get on. 20 minutes later I get to the house and put on my fake smile that always seems to fool people and I knock on the door

Daniel- ayeee Melissa co- hold up what happened to your lip

It's like he saw right through me and knew something was going on

Melissa- I'm fine it's just a scratch

Daniel- that's not just some scratch did someone slap you or something?

He touches my lip and I whimpered cause of the pain I pulled his hand away from my face and smiled at him

Melissa- your cute kid but I'm fine trust me

I walk in to see the boy's parents and I'm guessing the boy's sisters

Keri- there she is! Guys this is Melissa Daniel's tutor and hopefully the boy's as well come on sweetie let me introduce you

I met everyone and they all seemed so sweet and we arranged everything so now I'm ALL the boys tutor as well greeeaaattt....

We'll do the sessions in the classroom in the library nearby and I convinced them to let Abby be my assistant in the papers and stuff

Myta (Zach's mom)- the parents are going to discuss about everything and the girls are going to go play in the park nearby so go upstairs with the boys for a while and we'll call you when the foods ready alright honey?

Melissa- you got it

YES, they didn't notice my busted lip and me whimpering when they hugged me cause of my bruise that's good

I go upstairs and go into the boy's room and just sit down at a chair to give my stomach a break

Corbyn- well hello to you too you look hot by the way

Melissa- thank you sir always a gentleman

They all shoot their eyes up to me and immediately look at my broken lip

Zach- Melissa what the fuck happened to your lip shit yo Jack get her a bandage

Jack comes in the room and hands it to Zach he comes over to me and gently puts it on

Jonah- ok now what happened spill sister

Melissa- I got slapped by someone but I'm not saying who

I got up and I stretched my stomach making my bruise HURT LIKE HELL

Melissa- OW FUCK

Daniel- what? what's wrong?

I reluctantly pull my shirt up a bit to reveal my huge bruise they all squirm and jump up in faces of surprise and disgust


I pull my shirt down and chuckle

Jonah- why are you laughing?!

Melissa- cause you think this is the worst thing that has happened to me bro you have no fucking idea what I've gone through the pain I've been through dude this is hella mild ever been in a street fight with punching and kicking shit? Cause I do that daily

Daniel- damn Melissa shit bad ass much who the fuck are you a ninja or something

I winked at them then put my finger over my mouth

Melissa- ssshhhh don't tell anyone

I said sarcastically making everyone laugh then we heard our names being called meaning the foods ready

Well this is going to be interesting...

A/N- we reached #10 in #whydontwefanfic so soon WOW ILY GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH WOW but hope you enjoyed this short chapter but you kinda get a look at badass Melissa and Melissa's family life but there's much more to come COMMENT YOUR OPINION ON THIS CHAPTER AND WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE <3333

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