-non wanted visitor-

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I block out my thoughts since honestly it's no big deal it's just that ONE OF MY BIGGEST ENEMIES IS AT THE MALL IM ABOUT TO GO TO OMGGGG

But I calmed down and used my breathing exercises to relax

Breath in

Breath out

I'm fine

I'm perfectly okay

I get into the car. Daniel sits in the passenger seat and rest of the boys in the back of the car this car was freaking HUGE might I add

Corbyn- Melissa you alright you seem a little worried?

Melissa- I'm good, this mall's a little far you guys want to put on some music?

Zach- yeah sure wait guys we haven't told her yet, should we?

Melissa- tell me what?

Jonah- we're a band named why don't we Melissa we lived in L.A but our moms insisted we finished high school and graduate

Jack- so Daniel's family moved over here since our parents thought it would be better for us to do high school here than in Hollywood where we might be distracted so we are staying with Daniel's family until we graduate our parents have to be at home to take care of our siblings so Keri and Jeff have to take care of us for now

Melissa- well that's nice why don't you sing one of your songs?

They all looked at each other nervously a little scared even

Melissa- guys chill it's not like I'm going to bite you I'm not that mean

I chuckled at them then watched as they exchanged hand signals then they started singing

To say they sounded angelic is not enough they literally blessed my ears OH MY GOD

Melissa- wow you guys are incredible I was not expecting you to finesse my ears like that

They all chuckled and thanked me for the compliments

Corbyn- it's called nobody got to know it's a song on our ep that we're currently making

Melissa- damn an ep consider me impressed

They all smirked at me like if that was their plan to "sweep me of my feet" ugghh pathetic

Melissa- relax I said I liked your voices not I want you to fuck me

Zach- both work

I rolled my eyes as all the boys laughed


We spent the rest of the ride talking about their lives and how awesome they were I was interested but also sick to my stomach of how perfect they were I can only wish

We got at the mall and I took a deep breath in before entering the den of the lions

We went to the instrument store picked up Daniel's guitar and as we were about to leave Corbyn says something

Corbyn- guys let's stop by the Nike store so I can get some new running shoes mine broke back in L.A

I reluctantly agree knowing some shit was about to happen that I didn't like one bit

We got in the store and I looked insane looking everywhere like a scared little dog

They boys catch on to me and look at me weirdly can't say I blame them

Messed up//Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now