Chapter 30//Michigan part 7

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Becky comes running over to Jake and Erika to talk to Logan.
On FaceTime with Logan:
B-omg omg hi Logan
L-Hi Becky is it
B-yes it is omg I can't believe I am talking t Logan Paul while sitting next t Jake Paul
L-so how long have u been in the Logang Becky
B-I have been in the Logang and the Jake paulers since your vine days
L-but who do u like better
B-oh I am a logang pauler
L-ok respect
E-u saved yourself there
B-ha I know
L-oh bro when are you coming home
J-I dont know Erika when
E-I think in a few days why is something
L-no just Tydus is missing you
J-awh buddy we miss you two
T-oh daddy
J-yes bud
T-when can I meet mommy's family
Riks Family-awh
A-any time you want Tydus
T-who r u
A-oh I am Erika's mam
T-hiya so u are kind of my grandma
A-yeah I guess
E-bud me and your dad will bring you next time we visit
T-when will that be
E-probably a few time within the next 9 months (looks at JC)
JC-what ?
A-awh I can't wait t meet you
Family- neither
J-hahaha bud we have to go but we will be home soon
T-ok buy daddy love you
E-bye little man
T-bye love you too mommy
L-see you bro
J-c ya
They end the call and everyone goes back to the seat.
A-so Jake Tydus seems amazing
E-he is
A-I really don't know how you did it
J-neither but it was extremely difficult
A-I could only imagine
Moe- but has Tydus put you of having any other kids since you had him at such a young age
E-seriously moe
Moe-sorry just asking
J-it is fine and no not at all
Moe- but didn't scare you
J-definitely especially in a relationship
J-well because not very many people want to have a boyfriend who has a 3 year old at the age of 21
J-so I used t be so afraid to tell anyone I like about Tydus
J-because as soon as they Hurd about him they instantly got freaked out and I never saw them again
Moe-what bitches
J-yeah well that's why I appreciate Erika so much (looks into Erika's eyes) she has been supportive and understanding since day one and sees Tydus as her own
Family- awh
E-that's because he is not biologically but in every other way I am
J-yeah and I love you for that and many other things
E-I love you two
Moe-omg I want a relationship like yours
E-hahaha well you just have to find the perfect guy for you just like I have
Dani- I love you two together
E-thanks Dani
Dani-can I come to California with you guys one day
E—yeah definitely
J-and you can even stay in the team 10 house
E-yeah how about in 1 month u JC Maddie mam Dan and moe all come out to LA

Later that evening they where all walking out of the restaurant. Jake and Erika had there arms around each other. Until Erika bumped into one of her old high school friends.

E-oh sorry
...-sorry (looks up)
E-omg Amy
A-omg Erika I haven't seen you since high school
E-yeah (just then Erika remembered something that she hadn't told Jake about that only her close family Amy and Erika's other friend from school knew. )
A-how are you
E-(looks at Angle nervously worrying about what Amy is going to say) good you
A-I am good I just recently found out I am pregnant and am engaged
E-omg congratulations
E-about what
A-mentioning the pregnancy it must still be so hard for you
At this point Erika and her family's here all very anxious and Jake was completely lost about what was going on

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