Screw School

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-- Krys's POV --

"Hey Brantley"

"Hey" - Brantley

"What's up"

"Bouta Ditch School" -Brantley

"I'm coming with ya"

"Ok fine with me" - Brantley

Ive been friends with Brantley forever. He's my best friend. We always ditch school and end up gettin yelled at by my best friend Alexis because we always leave her at school. Thing is she doesn't like ditching Ive tried to have her ditch but she wouldn't.

-- Brantley's POV--

"So ware u wanna go?"

I don't care anyware but here" -Krys

"Alright my house it is"

Ive been friends with Krys forever and I think I'm starting to like her... Shes been with me through everything. I swear I don't know what I would do without her.

-- Phone Covo--

A- Alexis

B- Brantley

A- whare are y'all

B- we ditched school

A- AGAIN!!!!

B- yea so

A- y'all leave me like everyday

B- sorry

A- why do u make Krys leave with you

B- I don't she decides to come with me

A- whatever I gotta go I'll see y'all after school

B- whatever bye

"What was that about?"- Krys

"Alexis is mad at me cuz she thinks im making u ditch school"

"Whatever she can believe what ever she wants"- Krys

The rest of the car ride was silent other than Krys singing alone with the radio . Gees why does she have to be so cute.

--Krys POV--

when we got to Brantley's house we went right to the gradge  and got the four wheelers and road to our hunting spot. I think I kinda like BG I mean we've been with each other forever and Ive always thought he was cute but Ive never felt like this

"I'll beat you there"- Brantley

"well see bout that"

-5 mins later-

"told ya I'll beat ya"

"I let you win"- Brantley

"haha yea right your just ashamed to have lost to a girl"

"am not"- Brantley

"am too"

"whatever"- Brantley

--Brantley's POV--

"Hey guys"

Dustin, Luke, Tim, and Jason were already at the hunting spot.

Great and I brought Krys with me and they know I like her and tease me about it all the time.

"Look who we have here"- Jason

"Hey guys"- Krys

"When y'all get here?"

"Bout an hour ago"- Luke

"So you brought Krys with ya" Tim said winking at me

"yea so what" - Krys

"nothin"- Tim

"shut up Tim"

Brantley GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now