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-2 weeks later-

--Brantleys POV--

"Krys get up we leave today!"

"today?" - Krys

"yep now get you beautiful ass up and get ready"

"Ok Mr. Gilbert"-Krys

about 3 hours later we were in Nashville when we got outside we saw Eric Church

"hello I'm Eric u must be Mr. Brantley Gilbert "- Eric

"that would be me and this is my  girlfriend Krys"

"so your the lucky lady he's been talking about nonstop"- Eric

"hi Mr.Eric Church" - Krys

"we should get going before anyone recognises me"- Eric 

"ok let's go"

we talked the whole way to ware we would be playing first and what would be my first show

"are you nervous about your first show and tour Brantley " - Eric

"yea a little I mean what will people think of me will they like me or not I mean theres so many things that could happen"

"I know I know I was just like you on my first tour so many questions and worries "- Eric

"babe don't worry I'm here with you all you gotta do is stay outta fights"-Krys

"I can't promise that"

" what do you get in fights a lot ?" Eric

"yea all the time and Krys is always there to stop from beating the hell outta ppl like I did my friend Jason one time for trying to hurt Krys and my friend Luke tried to pull me off but couldn't but all Krys had to do was yell at me to stop and I stopped that was the night we started dating"

"it sure was you gave Jason 2 black eyes a bloody lip and a broken nose and all you got was a bloody lip"- Krys

"well you really care about her don't cha . how long have y'all know each other ?"- Eric

"we've know each other since preschool I don't know how she stayed with my crazy ass always gettin in fights and drinking to much"

"hey i always end up drinking too much with you "- Krys

" i know "

"well yall have known each other forever and it seems like you've been through everything together. is there anything I should know about either one of you?"- Eric

"yea Krys sings a lot and is really good "

"huh do you mind singing a song for us?" - Eric

"ok"- Krys

Krys sang all of 'The Outsiders' by Eric Church

"well I see you know every word to one of my songs . u a fan?"- Eric

"yes I have been since the start"- Krys

"well that's been a while"- Eric

"yes it has"- Krys says as we arrive at the first stop on tour

"well if it isn't Mr.Brantley Gilbert and his beautiful girlfriend Krys "-Jason

"hey Jason how's it goin"

"fine. I'll show y'all yalls tour bus"- Jason

"I hope its ok I brought my dog Sylo with me"

"yea its fine"- Jason

"oh yea 1 rule don't feed Sylo cuz  he'll bite the hell outta ya"

"well alright then I guess y'all are set you can start unpacking we have a show tomorrow"-Jason

"I can't believe I'm on tour"

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