Another Mission

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User {Soldier 76} joined chatroom [I'm upside-down]

Soldier: right whoever is stinking the ship up with whatever it is I'm going to murder

Vega: violence is never the answer

Soldier: is it you by chance child?

D.Va: Hey who are you calling a child?
D.Va: she's older than you have some respect!

Soldier: we don't have 'respect' back in America.

Vega: do you even know the level of respect Koreans have for each other?

Reinhardt: I do.
Reinhardt: it's similar to the German respect!

Vega: thank you.
Vega: I'm not Korean but I have been there and its stunning

D.Va: wow! I didn't realise you came to Korea!

Vega: yeah! I went to see my favourite boy band a few years back!

D.Va: Ooh! Whooooo?!

Vega: non other than the infamous BTS! Met them backstage and became friends with them.

Winston: Okay, okay, its nice to see your bonding and your past but we're actually going to Numbani.

Vega: sorry Winston.

Winston: don't worry about it

Soldier: so who's stinking up the ship?

Vega: not me

D.Va: I'm with vega I can't smell anything!

Reinhardt: yeah I can't smell anything

Lúcio: yeah I'm near soldier and I can't smell nothing

Tracer: same! Think it's just you luv!

Soldier: can't just be me surely

Vega: it might be my cooking?

Lúcio: your cooking on the ship?

D.Va: yeah she's making biscuits!

Reinhardt: I'm coming to try some!

Vega: hold on! They're not done.

Winston: how exactly are you cooking? There's no oven on the ship

Vega: I brought my own!

Winston: okay but please don't blow up the ship

Vega: We won't!


Reinhardt: I must say these biscuits are DIVINE!

D. Va: I agree! You need to make these more often!

Vega: glad you like them!

Soldier: is there anything you can't do?

Vega: there probably are things but I haven't found them yet

Lúcio: where are you? I smell the biscuits but I can't find you

D. Va: just saw you go back to the doorway and go through it

Lúcio:haha woops yeah hi

Vega: I thought I was bad at directions!

User {Vega} changed chatroom name to [LoSt My WaY]

Reinhardt: I smell a reference

Vega: yeah its a bts song

Reinhardt: you must show me these amazing people.

Vega: when we get back to base I will show you

Soldier: keep the volume down

D. Va: can't promise anything

Soldier: I have my gun

Vega: violence is never the answer

{Soldier 76} went idle

Vega: oh god

Lúcio: you better run

Vega: I am


Hello. I know some of you don't care about how often I update this but really do feel bad. I will try to update more as I now have time due to lockdown. I have only just got my creative brain back.

I will update in the next week or so with a quarantine special (HOPEFULLY)

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