Practice of hell

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(A/N back to my POV)

Today is the first that we practice on the dance for the Love Concert. I have a feeling that it's not gonna go good. So I remind everyone where it's gonna be held and when. The rest of the day I just kick it with Ty like always . Only time me and her don't hang out is when we miss school but we talk everyday no doubt . If one day she doesn't talk to me or text me then I know something is wrong .

One time after school she didn't text me and I'm just like maybe she took a nap and when she does she don't wake up til 8:30 so that whole day I was chillin my room apwas already clean and I just had to put the dishes up from the dishwasher so I was pretty much set. I just watched movies and ate the rest of the day. I forgot to tell you my mom was I'm the hospital with my sister. So I'm gonna be by myself for the rest of the week and half of the next one. 8:30 had come and usually she would text me when she wakes up. I shrugged it off and took a shower bout time I got out it was almost 9:00. So I text her:

Me:: R u ok?

Ty: yes y?

Me:: Becuz u haven't txt me all day

Ty: oh

Me:: something is wrong I can tell

Ty: no nothing's wrong

Me:: don't lie wat happened ???

Ty: CPS is trying to take Tristen away

Me:: why? Moma doesn't do anything bad she actually treats y'all good

Ty: cuz of his dumb ass dad he always doing shit one time we had to call the cops just to get him back from his dad house

Me:: he needs to get a life.... Do u want me 2 stay up w/ u?

Ty: plz

Me:: sure np




See I know my friend like the back of my hand. We know when something is wrong with each other. Our asses didn't go to sleep til 2:30 and then we woke up at 5:45 so much of for seven to eight hours of sleep.

$$$$$ skip to practice $$$$$

It was 4:00 and everyone wasn't here. It took five minutes for everyone to arrive and guess what a parent is there also. Like really I don't like parents in my practices because if I point there child out I'm gonnna be the one in the wrong like bish whet. Naw it's just yo hard headed.... Let me stop.

So once everyone got there I let them listen to the song the second time I showed them what they were going to be doing. As soon as I put everyone in there groups and started the first eight count it was good of course because all they have to do is walk. Them it was a part where they have to jump and do a knee turn on the floor in parts. So people where having trouble with that like it was easy kick , jump , turn , knee . The parents mom was asking where their hands are gonna be and which way are they going to look. Like really -_- I just showed them and then I had to show everyone again because of the parent on the risers. The risers aren't very wide so I have little room to do the routine. I could get my foot caught in the space and fall or slip on a part mad brake my ankles like these are not to be played on. So when I started showing them these bitches was talking.

I don't like to yell and they don't listen to people who yelling at them. So what i did was sit down and start making a beat everyone was calming down but at the same time turnt up either way they got the message and stopped. I told them how they gonna get it if they not paying attention. After a while we finally moved on to the chorus and the parent of course kept asking questions and of course they kept talking . It was agitating like NIGGAHHH stfu!!! Then after a while the mom got tired and told them how they needed to pay attention and stop talking then she told me I was doing good and left. That only worked for 2 good eight counts. They asked when we were going to leave i said when we were done with the first verse that happened fast and we were pretty much done.

I couldn't stand it people were slow , talkative , getting attitudes , etc. etc. I wanted just shoot all them even Nicole cause she was with her friends and it was aggravating. My mom took Ty and Nicole home and I went home , took a shower , and went to sleep. I woke up around 12:30 and I saw that Ty and Nicole text me. Nicole said thank you and Ty said hi. I text them all night I don't know but for some reason I think Nicole likes me .....

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