Part 12 - The Other Side

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My back slammed against something cold and hard and I looked around the chrome box with trepidation.

The other men and women gave me an anxious glare before returning to their rigid forward facing position and I cautiously inspected my new surroundings as the door slammed shut and we started moving upwards.

The mechanics groaned above us, adding to the tense atmosphere and I looked at the others again for support.

However, like the other two women in the car, they continued to stand to attention and focused forward like robots, being telepathically controlled by the two burly security guards in front.

Without windows or another exit, there was no way to escape the lift so I took a deep breath, vowed to stay alert and to find anything that could be used as a weapon when we got out of the cold, tight silver cube.

My mind raced with what we would face when the door opened and how I would attempt to save myself but all outcomes ended in my demise if the others continued to act like cyborgs.

Just as I tried to focus on an anaemic looking man next to me, the lift came to a halt and the door unlocked.

Fear shot up my spine and the security guards got out and rushed us to do the same.

My body began to shake and I reluctantly led the line as I ended up at the beginning of the queue.

I don't think the security guards trusted their hold over me so that's why I think they didn't trust me to be at the back again.

Maybe it's because I was new and they didn't have chance to break my spirit, like the others, or maybe it was because whatever was at the end of this new, red corridor liked to see new stock first but whatever it was, I knew that they were paying extra attention to me and didn't want me out of their sight.

The narrow red corridor was dimly lit with candles attached to the wall, lighting the way, and we were pushed towards the padded black door in the distance by the impatient guards.

Jasmine and orchids tried to mask the stale smells of the un-aired space but the musky odour continued to taunt our senses as we got closer to the second door.

Larger than the first door, the black padded divide stood at approximately seven-foot tall and five foot wide, taking up most of the wall as I looked up in awe at the impressive entry.

The security guard in front stopped and held his hand up to us.

His stern expression gave me the chills and I looked back at the others but only blank stares returned,

"When you go through these doors you will line up against the wall and wait to be escorted to the relevant room. Do not speak or move and remember you are here to serve and make sure the members are taken care of" he ordered.

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