2: Magik&Dovah's

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The bell above the store rings to welcome in another person. The only time anyone walks through the store is to use the phone or bathroom. An actual customer hasn't blown through since 1997. The store, Magik& Dovah's, was named after a dead language. A short girl with long, wavy, chestnut hair and an athletic physique walked in. The man behind the counter stands up and smiles a wrinkled smile, "May I help you young lady?". She smiles kindly back, "Yes actually, I'm looking for some books of interest. Would you suppose you have that here?". The man ushers her forward, toward the back where a bookshelf sits. "Now, what kind of books do you read?". The girl shrugs, "I read nonfiction mostly, but fantasy may be my favorite.". He smiles and nods, "What kind of fantasy dear?". She cocks her head, "Adventure mostly, dragons, magic, princes, Knights. I guess it's a childish thing to like.". The wrinkled old man claps in glee and shakily walks to the book in a corner by itself. The words of Bok do fin Dovah covering the front. The young woman brushes her hair from her shoulder and the man glances at her with excitement in his eyes. "Can you read this child?". The girl squints at the words and looks back at the man, "What language is this, sir?". The elder man's smile fell slightly, "Language of the Dovah's. It's Dragon tongue young one.". The girl continued to stare at the unfamiliar words, her eyes staring intensely as if trying to will the letters to change. The woman's hand involuntarily rubs against her unusual birthmark, bringing the elder man's attention to it. "Bok do fin Dovah, will only show its words to those who truly need to be let read the passage inside. This book is full of secrets, from the beginning of time to the end. The Dragon tongue is a defense mechanism. Shall the book fall into the wrong hands, life as we know it would end.". The girl just continues to stare at the book unable to look away as an unfamiliar tingling fills her head and spreads through her whole body. Her eyes, the focal point of the tingling began to burn and itch. The man watched in awe as her lips moved and she ran her fingers over the words on the cover. The book is said to be bound of Dragon skin. Leather looking but gray in color and smoothly rough in touch. The locked clasp on the side of the book started to glow, and from that glow came a shine, with that shine came a great force of wind. The wind blew through the store, swirling around the woman, violently tearing through the man. Continuing her soundless words, her eyes stay focused on the cover. The man struggles to keep on his feet, laughing manically in joy. The woman's limbs shake with power and her eyes glaze over reptilian like, but she doesn't notice. All she can think is, 'Bok do fin Dovah'. A burst of hot,  white, light exploded from the book as it was forced open to the first page. The man shouted the first words she could understand in Dragon tongue as she was thrown back. The book fell gently to the floor, the clasp gone. The man grinned and went to check on the teenage girl. Her eyes flashed the iridescent cat shape and they closed. Her final coherent thought was none other than, "Foal Fodiiz do fin Dovah lost bo again!". The words rang clearly in her mind, "The Age of the Dragon has come again!". And with that last revelation, she succumbed to the darkness.

I had so much fun writing this chapter. Have a good day/night guys. See ya!


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