Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia

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Name: Honyurui Kazuko

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hairstyle: A big circle bun, with a long wavy strand of hair in front of each ear.

Hair color: Black

Skin: Tan

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 160 cm/ 5'2

Blood Type: O

Likes: Food, animals, outdoors, exercise, people, and her cat.

Quirks: Mammalian- She has the strength of an elephant, speed of a cheetah, ears of a bat, echolocation, claws, the jumping height of a Serval, and a monkey tail. Downside is the more she uses her Quirk the more feral she becomes

Dreamscape- When her hands come in contact with someone, her eyes glow white, and they enter the victim's dreams. She can see any of their dreams and they'll feel realistic, but they can't affect the dreams. When she lets go, the person becomes disoriented and she gets dizzy for a little. Downside is, the longer they're in the dreams, the more real it'll feel and the higher chance of fatigue and dizziness for both of them (or more if she touches more than one person).

Hero name: Dreamcatcher

Role: She is the vice principal of UA High, the detention and gym teacher, a Pro Hero, and high school friend of Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, and Shirakumo.


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