Kiss ~ Coran

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Coran: YAY!!!

Welsie: Space uncle's turn!

Allura: *kisses him on the cheek* thank you for being there for me

Coran: Anytime, princess!

Hunk: *kisses him on the cheek* Your moustache still tickles!

Pidge: *kisses his cheek* Oh yeah... it does.

Lance: *kisses him on the cheek* *giggles*

Coran: Does my moustache really tickle that much?

Keith: *kisses him on the cheek and nods* Yeah....

Shiro: *kisses him on the other cheek*

Welsie: YAY! Space uncle!!! *kisses him on cheek making a loud "MUAH" noise*

Coran: Awww I love all of You!

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