chapter 18

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Shay pov

I told Sasha that we should wait before we have sex. Because honestly I love Sasha and I know she loves me to, but I'm just not ready yet and plus she still married to Hudson as well.
I looked at Sasha and I told her ."I'm sorry Sha but I'm just not ready yet and your still with Hudson. We should wait,". I told her in a calm voice at first I honestly didn't know how Sasha would react after I told her we should wait, I look at her for a few minutes just as I was about to talk she beat me to it " it's okay I'm not mad if I'm being honest I also want to wait as well before we do anything sexual and I know how you feel about Hudson,you don't need to worry about him anymore", wait what did I hear her right, "wait what do you mean by I don't have to worry about him anymore." I told Sasha is she doing what I think she doing is. Sasha really thinking about leaving Hudson
I thought to myself I stand corrected she is "Shay I've been thinking about this for a some time now and the more time that you and I spent together the more I fall in love with you you're the one I want to be with not him", said Sasha honestly I wasn't expecting Sasha to say that but she does have a point the more we often spent time together the more I start to fall in love with her. "Are you really sure about this do u really want to leave Hudson for me?!". I need to know if Sasha really wants to consider doing this becauseb if we would to go through it. but what about our parents what would our parents say. our friends what would our friends say about this, and most importantly the fans well our Fans are super supportive for #emison, which I think maybe there won't be a problem maybe just maybe this would all work out especially for both me and Sasha because well I love her and she loves me as well. how would this hole thing turn out if we were actually a couple?. "Are you really really sure because I wouldn't mind being a couple especially since we're both hot as fuck man lol", as soon as I said that Sasha had started laughing so hard that I ended up laughing as well when we both had calmed down we had decided to continue this little conversation in the morning. And get some sleep

hudsha's / sasshay Love Triangle Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum