23 | The Way I Am pt 2

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Maybe I'ma get a little anxious

Maybe I'ma get a little shy'

Cause everybody's trying to be famous

And I'm just trying to find a place to hide


I turned around and... well... it wasn't what I expected... at all.

The five guys weren't Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick nor Zion.

Instead it was Daniel, Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Zach all in black suits.

Damn. They look good.

I just stood there awkwardly.

Why do they look so nice? And why are they here?

I turned around and faced Kayla again, shocked to see that she isn't on the ground unconscious. I shot her a confused face and she just stood there smiling.

"Skylar. We're really sorry about they way we've been acting lately. We're sorry for lying and saying things we shouldn't have." Daniel began saying.

"Please give us another chance." Jonah added.

"We all want you to be a part of our lives, for now and for ever." Zach added causing me to blush.

"We hurt you when we didn't mean to. We lied about who we are to prevent scaring you off. We do trust you. We just wanted to see what kind of guy he was. We didn't mean any harm. We all like you, some more than others." Corbyn said glancing at all of the other boys.

"Please take us back." Jack said last.

Before I could say anything back or respond, they broke out into a song. A song I recognized from Kayla who would blast this song in her room every now and then.

Words I Didn't Say.

When Zach starting singing, he moved his hands from behind his back and held out a white rose for me.

I took it from his hands and smiled.

Next was Corbyn who gave me a yellow lily.

Then Jack with a pink tulip.

Daniel with red peony.

And lastly Jonah with a purple dahlia.

I had five beautiful and colorful flowers in my hands bundled up.

My heart was warm and so was my face. God, I'm probably blushing now.

Once they finished singing, I heard someone from behind me sniffling.


I turned around to see her video taping on her phone and crying.

"Kayla are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"I..I'm better than okay. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!" She shouted and ran up to all of the guys and hugged them.

"Aw thanks Kayla." Zach said which made Kayla bright pink.

"Also, thank you Kayla for bringing Skylar here." Jonah added.

"Of course! Anything for you guys!" She shrieked.

The guys smiled at her and nodded their heads towards the doors.

"Oh right, my bad. I'll leave you guys to talk." She grinned and made her way out of the greenhouse.

"So, back to what we were saying. Will you take us back... please?" Jack asked.

I already decided on an answer, but I made them wait a little to make them a little anxious. Hehe.

"Oh, wait, we forgot to give you this." Jack said and handed me an envelope.


"What's this?" I asked confused.

"Just a little something." Zach smiled.

I opened up the thick envelope and pull out one of the skinny strips of paper.

"No way!" I squealed.

I ran up to all of them and hugged them each tightly.

"Thank you thank you! You guys are amazing!" I shreiked freaking out that I'm holding Shawn Mendes tickets in my hands right now.

"So I'll take that as a yes then?" Jack asked.

"I'll only forgive you guys if you all promise to trust me and not lie to me ever again." I laughed and they did too.

"We promise." They all said in unison.

I then counted the tickets.

"Two?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, take Ashleigh with you." Corbyn smiled.

"I can't believe you guys did all of this." I said still shocked.

"We wanted to make it up to you. becausewewantyouinourlives." Jonah said but mumbled the last part, even though I understood it and grinned awfully big.

Aw my heart.

These guys.

Every single of them.

They are really are on something different.


quick chap

kinda busy lately since of finals and something called the accuplacer also I have to do my own TED talk, if you know what that is. I have to do it on fear and the script is due tonight and I'm just stressed. lifes hard.

love you all and I'm so proud that we've made it to 3K READS!!




also probably gonna need to come back and edit soooo heads up on that


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