Chapter 2

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It was late, Emma was lying under her bitch blanket, she felt two hot.

Luke was sprawled out on the sofa in her flat, heavily breathing, he could hear him from her room, which did not help the fact she couldn't get him out of her head. They were so close before - she could clearly remember the feeling of Luke's soft lips on her cheek. She wanted him to kiss her, and he was going to, but he only stepped back and smiled - like it was something to be proud of; letting down her high hopes.

She tried to think more about her boyfriend. She imagined him being with her, since he didn't turn up; it was no use.
She got out of bed, trying not to let the springs creak too much. She tiptoed into her living room, and sat down on the chair, looking at Luke. He was not in a cute position, which initially Emma thought would be good to get him off her mind, but she still thought it was wonderful the was he was so sloth like. 'These thoughts will be gone tomorrow, Emma.' She said to herself in her head.

Suddenly, Luke stirred, eyes half open. He saw Emma's short yet beautiful silhouette and it instantly woke him up. "Emma, what are you going here? What a pleasant surprise." He smiled wearily, still half asleep. She looked down at her feet and stood up. Luke rubbed his eyes and stood up after her, "come here" he snapped, quickly walking up to her and grabbing her by the waist, pulling her closer. Emma had the back of her head on his chest, it felt wonderful to her.

She wishes he would stop this.

"I know its really early but I kinda want to tell you something" his eyes struggling to keep open. "I didnt mean to wake you, your tired now go kip on the sofa again." She says, pushing herself off his upright body.
"Emma... I may only be half awake, but I need you to know something..." Luke says, looking deep into her eyes, metres apart. Emma's face appears blank, impatiently waiting for him to continue.

"I'm moving".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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