What Is It?

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'Why We Stand' is a opportunity for people struggling mentally inside their head to show people what it's like and open their eyes. This doesn't mean you nesserarly have a mental disorder to participate. If you have something that is dragging you down that no one knows about, feel free to write it down and tell us!

This is to bring awareness to the cause, their is no need to rush yourself. It is a competition, but please, don't feel panicked or alarmed. Plenty more of the competition will occur.

If you wish to have your work printed out and given the opportunity to be shown within my school next year since we are so close to the last day here, please tell me. Can be anonymous in the competition and printed out if you like, PM the arrange it.


When we release our secrets into the world, they no longer have hold over us.

Write about everything that goes through your head daily. All those wars inside your mind. As if you had someone who had no idea how it feels like, show them. How it effects you on a daily basis. How hard and tired-some it is pretending how everything is fine when it's not. Describe how it makes you feel. Go into detail, don't be afraid.

What I Need?

This event will occur from May 18, 2018-June 1, 2018. Winners will be announced on June 5.

•Be tagged #ProjectHidden

•Must have 500 at minimum

•Has to have it's own stories, please don't add it onto a previous work.

Your done!

All participants works will be added into a reading list just for it.

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