hanging out includes

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●obviously some AOTD
●Yelling lots of yelling
●jeremy making random jokes
● sabotaging eachother
●"What do you call a zombie with no arms or legs?" "What, jeremy.?" "Michones husband and brother in law." "B O I!" (do you get it? owo)
●mainly marvel or dc
●you guts watched infinity war once.... he cried.
●You had to leave the theater cause he was sobbing.
●he couldn't stop crying
●hug the damn boi

●Probably getting stoned
●listening to bob marley in his basement
●making random joke while high and laughing at nothing
●he would try to fall asleep on your shoulder probably
●again.... AOTD..
●while high so you guys get scared by the zombies
●he cried and begged the 'zombies' not to eat him
●you guys came down of your high and like.... ate the whole kitchen
●"michael stop hogging the laffy taffy!" "Nuuuuu."
●You guys finished the AOTD level
●you guys ended up passing out in the basement.
●"what time is it?" "Doesnt matter go back to sleep."


●You guys went to a skating rink
●he fell like the first time he even put a foot on the ice.
●you laughed and ended uo falling as well
●you guys argued over who was a better skater
●you ended up racing
●you won
●he pouted like the rest of the day
●you guys fought over who was gonna drive the car
●he won the one real quick
●you annoyed him with random songs
●he was screaming most the drive probably.

●you guys hung out at his house.
●you challenged each other to an excersice thing. (IDFK)
●He won
●you quit at the pushups.
●he laughed and got you guys some water.
●"im dying." "No your not get up you big baby."
●you hit him for that one
●he laughed and ran from you
●he ggit away easily
●you fell onto his couch and refused to let him sit down.
●he sat on you.
●like say goodbye to your legs
●you dumped your water on him. ●he flipped out because it was cold

●you guys got pinkberry frozen yogurt
●She stole like half your yogurt.
●you brought her to your house
●your dog had puppies a few weeks before then.
●she cried
●she held all the puppies and just stared at the ceiling.
●you laughed as your dog took her puppies from brooke and licked her face.
●your dog flopped on her and cuddled her.
●"(Y/N)! YOUR DOG HAS CHOSEN ME I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!" "okay brooke but seriously your covered in dog hair."

●you guys went to see dear evan hansen.
●she screamed and nearly passed out when you two got to run into the cast.
●"WE MET MIKE FAIST AND BEN PLATT!" "I KNOW! ITS CRAZY!!" ●you both jumped around after and got ice cream.
●you guys cried over all the great pictures you got
●"that musical was great." "Totally."

●you guys just hung out like every saturday night.
●she ended up getting drunk.
●you had to hug her as she complained about finals coming up.
●"WHAT IF I DONT PASS?!" "Chloe you'll pass its fine."
●you put in 50 first dates.
●she cried while using your lap as a pillow.
●"THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!" "yes but you should sleep." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."
●She fell asleep.
●you laughed and lassed out as well.

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