when you have a nightmare

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Hes a pretty light sleeper so he wakes up whenever you start rolling around or mumbling in your sleep. He will wait til you start regaining consciousness then slowly start kissing your shoulder. When you wake up fully he will talk you back into a calm state and ask you what it was about, if you dont wanna talk about it then he will just lay there and sing quietly cause BOI secret musician over here. After a bit he will talk you back into sleep and do back to sleep as well.

Michael is a pretty heavy sleeper but since he usually holds you at night he feels you moving no matter what. If your having a nightmare he usually knows within a few minutes. He nearly panic's sometimes tho cause he doesnt knownif he should wake you up or not which he quickly decides to do it anyway.
Once youre aeake he will sit there and hold you and make sure you feel 200% better before letting you even think about sleeping again.

Hes very protective. He will wake uo usually after you then immediatly start walking around the room making sure theres no demons or monsters. "Bitches if you HURT MY PRECIOUS GIRL ILL FIND YOU." usually works to get a smile back on your face so you can sleep again.

Hes a real sweetie whrn you have a nightmare. He will carry you to the kitchen and make you a drink. Hot chocolate? tea? coffee? Doesnt matter he will make it. He will put in movie, cartoons anything you want to make you happy again. Once youre calm he will take you back to bed and cuddle you until you fall asleep.

If you have a nightmare she usually starts crying. You can ecplain it,and she bursts into tears holding you apolagizing that you had to have a nightmare. It usually makes you giggle cause she is so over dramatic about it but you quiet down when she gives you her big puppy dog and pouty lip. You guys often will stay up the rest of the night.

She gets really worried. She will get you a drink then quickly start singing to you. She will start singing anything soft and quiet. Her favorites to calm you down are for forever from DEH, seventeen from heathers and who lives who dies who tells your story from Hamilton.

Chloe doesnt understand for a minute before finally realizing your crying then over protective girl friend mode will kick in. She will hold you, sing to you, tell you stories, anything to make you happy or drift back to sleep.

Ge isnt the sweetest, he usually things youre over reacting before realizing youre genuinely upset. He will start apologizing and trying to make you happy again. Ot usually ends with you falling asleep on him then him slowly going back to sleep as well.

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