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Before going to this place that Liam talked about, they told me the scope of the area and explained to me most of the things I needed to know. Although, I did feel like they were sugarcoating a lot of things.

"The main stomping ground is where most of Ubiquity members come to. They get their missions there, train, gather and such. And we're going to do most of those." Autumn says. She seems to be in a better mood than yesterday. Thankfully. "We're going to explain everything else when we get there, okay?"

I give a serios nod as I felt very jittery.

Liam added, "But we are mostly going to train. Just train." He looks at my eyes deeply. "And then we'll formulate a plan to defeat the bandits."

Autumn interrupted our staring contest, "Speaking of bandits," she retrieves something from her pocket, "I did some examination of the bandit from yesterday." she places some things on the table, "There weren't any bizarre objects. Just normal weaponry and tools. Except for this one." She gets some sort of square cellular phone which looks like a GPS. "I think they have a tracker now. Did you guys use your powers and they appeared out of nowhere?"

Liam and I exchanged looks and nodded yes.

"Try to refrain from using them outside stomping ground premises. That's the only place where they're sealed out from." She grabs three orange kelp limes and hands them to us. We all stand up.

"So, when we all eat this kelp lime and whisper 'main stomping ground', we'll immediately transport there?" I questioned.

"Yes. Just eat it and whisper main stomping ground really quietly." Liam replied, putting emphasis on the word quietly.

Autumn put his hand on my shoulder, "Dia, I know I was such a jerk yesterday. I'm sorry. My week sucked and now all this just randomly happened."

I smiled at her, "It's fine, I get it." and she also grinned at me.

We all took a bite of a orange kelp lime, and I whispered main stomping ground. They also whispered something, but it sounded different. Before I swallowed the bolus, I heard Autumn saying, "We're also sorry for this."

I couldn't even reply, because I immediately transported. My vision was insanely spinning, as if I was high. Then, it felt like everything paused. 

I'm definitely in the Main Stomping Ground.

My jaw was wide open, I was frozen, there were people around looking at me. 

"Dia Correige?" One person called me. How does that person know my name?

"She made it!" Everyone cheered. They circled around me and I couldn't see anything else. Everyone was asking multiple questions and I couldn't understand anything.

Someone pulled my foot and I tripped and I was being dragged under away from the stampede.

"I'm Yale! Let's go somewhere private!" She grabbed my hand and we ran outside. 

Holy shit. Is this where the love story of the hero movie I live in begin?

Holy shit. Again. But less shittier.

This is like a whole new world. There were wizards everywhere doing their own things and some things I couldn't even describe. I also noticed there were even children who also have powers. I got a few gazes from other people and that made Yale ran faster. My eyes couldn't handle what I was seeing and especially because this girl is running faster than anyone I know.

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