The Werewolving Dead

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A.U. - This was a suggestion by Phoenix122, the title kinda gives some indication of what this is about but everyone in the prison is a werewolf and Carl is the Alpha's son and in order for him to take over he needs a mare and so the story goes. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment...


I was in the guard tower watching over the field when my dad came up to me.

"Hey Carl."

"Hi Dad."

"We need to talk."


"Since your mother died, I can't continue to lead the pack. So it's time for you to find a mate."

"Really?" *with digusted look on face*

"Yes Carl." he growled before leaving. I wasn't very smooth with the girls and Emma's always hanging around. Emma is this annoying girl who is constantly flirting with me and I have to keep rejecting her. The door opened and slam shut behind me. It was Emma, "hey Carl." she said trying to be romantic. I pulled off a weak smile, "it's a shame about your mum, looks like your goin' be Alpha." said Emma batting her eyelashes, "yeah but I need a mate." I said, "to bad there's no young wolfs around, oh wait there's me." she said beaming a smile.

The door open and shut again. "Hey powder puff, your not his type. Now leave." snapped Marnie, Emma huffed but left. "Hey Marnie." I said smiling (for real), her auburn highlights were shining in the Georgia sun sending shivers down my spine. "Hey Carl, heard about your mum. I'm so sorry." she said her blue eyes meeting my brown ones, "oh thanks, she's in a better place anyway." I said snapping back into reality. "At least Maggie saved the baby." said Marnie, I nodded looking at Maggie and Carol talking with my new baby sister in Carol's arms. I was thinking that should be my mum but I'm happy Carol has taken over, after all she did lose Sophia. "Marnie!" sounded Daryl's voice below us, "comin'!" replied Marnie, "sorry got to go, see ya later." she said kissing my cheek and leaving.

I got darker and usually that's the time for my wolf self to appear but I delayed it to night. I delayed it so I could Marnie out by the fence, I waited but there was no sign of her. As I turned to leave, everything went black. I woke up tied up next to Marnie, "Marnie." I exclaimed as she woke up as well. "Carl. Where are we?" she asked, "Cell Block A." said a mysterious voice. We both whipped our heads round and saw a large man. "The eighteen year old son of the Alpha can't choose a mate, well why not my daughter?" he asked, Emma's Dad stepped out holding a knife. "Cause, I just don't like Emma." I shouted, I felt my teeth shift into wolf teeth. Marnie looked at me with her warm smile, "well, no one will be Alpha because it's time for you to join your mother." he growled...


Emma's nutty Dad apporached Carl with his knife, I started struggling amd tried to help Carl. "Hold it." growled a voice from in the shadows, "who are you?" asked Emma's dad, "my name is Shadow and I'm here to protect the Alpha." stated the black wolf. Shadow was a pure black wolf and the only thing you could see was his huge green eyes sparkling in the moolight. Shadow lunged at Emma's Dad, knocking him to the floor. Carl managed to untie himself and he untied me. We decided to help Shadow but we couldn't wolf up. "We need to do this as humans." said Carl holding the knife, I nodded my agreement and Carl sank the knife into Emma's Dad's skull. Just then my dad and Carl's dad brust tnrough the door. "Are you two ok?" asked Rick, we nodded but a pain shot through my arm. I suddenly wolfed up and so did Carl. He walked over his black fur sleek and shiny, his white patches glistening.

"Your fur looks nice in the moonlight, Marnie." said Carl licking my wound, "hey look at you." I said smiling. "I like your auburn patches." said Carl. I blushed (kinda), "Carl, looks like your the new Alpha." said Rick. We smiled as we figured we were mates.

2 months later...

Things had settled back down and Emma had stopped hittin' on ma man. Carl officially became Alpha and Shadow stuck with our group after we worked out who he was. Turned out he was Shane Walsh's son that got left behind at Hershel's farm and me and Carl are expecting. Yeah, we're having pups and Dad's not exactly thrilled but he's putting on a happy face after all Carol finally asked him out and he's becoming a grandfather. So is Rick and boys, you better be ready...

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