Remember me...

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This was just a random idea I had whilst watching the season 5 opener for the 500th time, so enjoy...

I'd been watching Rick and his group for over a year now. I'd seen it all including the death of my father, killed in cold blood by the man I'd grown up around. For a ten year old, watching your dad being stabbed to death is a traumatic experience.

I had become a lone wolf and WAS going to find my sister and I WAS going to protect her.

I had made my way to Terminus, I had to save Rick and the others because in the end, Judith will always have me but she needs a father and Rick is the best right now. I flipped my hood up and jumped the fence. Carol had already created the perfect opportunity to get in without getting shot at. I made my way to the butchers area (as I called it) and saw Bob, Rick, Daryl and Glenn all waiting to get slaughter. Gareth came in, spoke and then left after an explosion went off. "Let's just do our job." said one of the guys, I climbed down just as one of the men went to hit Glenn. I whistled, "who's there?" the other asked. "Your worst nightmare." I said stabbing him in the head, "why you.."said the other as I killed him off to. I untied the guys, "Daryl grab him." said Rick but I climbed back out the window.

Next order of business, getting the others out of the train cart. I snuck in and out of the walkers to train cart A. I swung my axe through the bolt on the cart, "who's there?" asked Carl. "Your gonna have to trust me, I know where your little sister is, so please." I said Carl stuck his head out. I shook his hand, "trust me, you know me." I said and he looked at me confused. "Follow me." I said leading them towards the fence, "Carl!" sounded Rick and Carl turned round to face him. "Come on!" I shouted, Gareth came out on to the roof and I grabbed my dad's shotgun off my back. I managed to shoot him in the shoulder before Rick ran over.I jumped over the fence and led his group towards Tyreese. "Just a little further." I said to Carl, Tyreese, Carol and Judith appeared. Rick and Carl ran and took her from Tyreese. Daryl grabbed my arm dragged me towards Rick, "Rick, forgetting something?" he asked and Rick turned round to face me. "Take your hood off." demanded Rick, "no." I said bluntly. Daryl ripped my hood off and Rick was in total shock. "Nick." exclaimed Carl, he ran forward and we hugged.

"I thought you were dead." he said, "still here." I said. Rick tore us apart and tossed me towards Daryl. "Carol, your in charge until me and Daryl get back." said Rick, Daryl gripped both my arms and dragged me away from the group. We had made our way away from the group, about a half mile into the forest when Rick stopped. "Put him there." he said pointing to a tree, "Rick wait! You know who I am, you can't kill me." I shouted as Daryl held me against the tree. "Rick, what's he goin' on about?" Daryl asked, "I don't know." Rick replied. "That's lies. You knew my father, you killed my father and now your gonna kill me." I said. Daryl stared at Rick for a moment before letting go of my chest. "He's Shane's son and yer gonna killed him." said Daryl. "Daryl, he's a threat. Now hold him down." said Rick but Daryl just stood there. "No Rick, he's a kid and he's your best friend's kid." said Daryl. I spotted an opportunity to make a run for it. I bolted for the train trackes. "Daryl follow him!" shouted Rick, I could here both their footsteps close behind me.

I got to where I had been camping out and jumped inside. I looked at the picture of my dad I kept in my inside pocket. The tears started rolling down my cheeks and then they became a flood of tears. "I tried Dad, Lori said she'd talk to Rick but he still wants me dead." I cried. I knew Daryl, Rick and the others had stopped outside. "I need you daddy, I need you." I said crying even harder. I clutched the picture as tight as I could as the tears fell off my cheek and onto the forest floor. "Your sick." said Carl, "he's just a boy Rick with no mother or father left." said Carol. I continued crying, I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me out. It was Rick's. He had his colt python in his hand, "I don't need another Shane." he whispered into my ear causing me to collapse to my knees. "My father wasn't a monster." I said through the tears. Rick still had a tight grip on my arm, Carl put Judith down on the ground and she crawled towards me. "Hey there." I said, she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes, just like mine. "Nick." she said, Rick looked shocked at his adopted daughter's first word. "Thank you Judith." I said slipping out of Rick's grasp and I hugged my younger sister...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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