Chaper 12: Where we go public

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The curvy girlfriend's POV.

Friday evening. New dress on; check, although not feeling very comfortable. Hair on point; as good as it can be. Purse, wallet and keys; check, check and check. Anything I missed? Oh yeah, that secret boyfriend that will soon become my very public boyfriend.

"Ready, darling?" James came up behind me where I was standing by the door, staring at it like it represented the end of my life as I know it. Which was true enough.

"Absolutely!" I threw him a fake smile as I reached for the door handle.

"Hey, slow down there, sweetheart." James put a hand on the door, keeping it closed while boxing me in. "Now take a breath and tell your dear James what is making you freak out."

I glared up at him.

"Isn't that obvious enough?" I groaned out.

He looked calmly down at me, lifting one arrogant eyebrow.

"Well, I am guessing you are nervous to go to this engagement party your friends are having. And I'm guessing it's mostly because I'm coming with you... which hurts. Deeply." He leaned down to breathe into my ear. "But it's ok, because I know it will be fine. We will be fine." He drew back to kiss my cheek. "Now, take my hand, take a deep breath, and open that evil door you have been glaring at for the last twenty minutes."

We arrive to Daisy's and Max's engagement party, which is held in Max's small but homely house in the outskirts of town. James grab my hand as soon as we step out of the car. I'm holding Daisy's favourite chocolate in my other hand. I know she specifically said no presents, but a box of chocolate is next to nothing. Actually, it's basically nothing when it comes to an engagement present. I have to do better.

"We have to go back. We have to find a better gift!" I stopped in my tracks, causing James to sigh and twirl around to stare down at me with a gentle smile.

"It's alright, darling." He let go of my hand and walked back to the car, opening the back door to pick up an expensive looking bottle of champagne. "But thanks for reminding me. I forgot I got this for the couple."

I gaped at him as he grabbed my hand with his free hand and pulled me towards the well lit house. We walked up the tidy front yard, on the too short footpath, arriving too quickly to the green front door.

"Hello Sabbie." Daisy opened the door and hugged me before I could blink twice. "And you must be James. Welcome." She gave James a hug as well, being the warm, wonderful woman she is.

"Thank you. You must be Daisy." James said as Max came up behind her to sneak an arm around her waist.

"She is. And I'm Max." The men shook hands.

"Congratulations on your engagement." James handed them the bottle, bringing me out from my frozen state and almost throw the chocolate box at the happy couple. Yup, girl who's super awkward in social situations, right here.

Daisy and Max brings us into the living room, which opens up to the backyard via glass doors.

"Hey, you finally came." Christie threw her left arm around me as she held up her other hand with a glass of bubbles, all the while eyeing James. "We started to doubt you would for a while, there." She gulped down some of her drink before facing James. "And you must be the reason why our Sabbie is so nervous tonight. The secret boyfriend, I assume."

"Correct, but not so secret anymore." James smiled oh so charmingly. "And you must be one of her best friends. Christie or Kelly?"

"Christie. And this handsome professor is my partner, Simon." She finally let go of me to hang onto my brother instead, who came up from nowhere.

"And Sabbie's older brother." Simon said as he eyed James up and down, while holding out his hand, which James immediately shook.

"It's good to finally meet you both." James said smoothly as he pulled me to his side. "Which is quicker than I thought." He said quietly as he winked down at me, causing me to pull a face.

"Ok, enough lovey dovey faces between you two. I'm stealing Sabbie." Christie grabbed my arm and started to pull me away as she smiled to Simon. "Get to know your future brother-in-law, honey, before Kelly arrives with her famous boyfriend and steals everyone's attention." She giggled as we moved toward the backyard. "That ought to break the ice."

I looked over my shoulder and saw both Simon and James standing with their arms crossed, having some sort of stare off.

"Do you think Kelly will actually bring her new man?" I asked as we stepped out on the veranda.

"She is a woman of her word." Christie said as she turned to face me. "How are you feeling? Your boyfriend seems excited to be here with you, but you look like you wanna throw up."

"You know me. I'm nervous in crowds at best of times. And now I have a smocking hot boyfriend who everyone is gonna question why he is with me. He could literally have any girl he wants."

"Not true. No person here today will judge or even question why you two are together. Come on, everyone can see his devotion to you in every breath he takes. Look, he's staring at you even now, eyes filled with longing. It's kinda tragically sappy. But we can't all have awesome boyfriends like me." She smirked as she blew my brother a kiss, who was staring at her with a lovesick smile.

I rolled my eyes before glancing over at James. He smiled at me when he caught my eye, and took a step forward. I smiled back. Maybe Christie was right. Maybe I should put more faith in the people around us. Maybe I should stop fretting and enjoy the engagement party of one of my best friends. Maybe everything will be ok.

"Darling?" James whispered in my ear as we danced slowly to a tragic love song. "I like your friends. I like your brother. And I like your friend's fiancé." He kissed my temple.

"I'm glad." I smiled as I rested my head against his shoulder. "What did you think of the food then?" I poked his stomach with my finger, laughing as he grunted. He had eaten probably twice as much as anyone else, making Daisy adore him.

"You ok now?" He whispered as he tightened his arms around me.

"Yes." I replied equally tired.

"You glad I came with you?" His chest vibrates against me as his voice lowered even more.

"Yes, dumbo." I looked up at him. "How could I not. You did not throw a tantrum when the sausages ran out. You did not pee in the bushes. You washed your hands after going to the toilet. I assume." I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He sigh as he looked down at me, his mouth twitching while trying to look solemn.

"I know you think you are being witty, but in a round about way, you are saying you didn't expect much from me?" Now he lifted an eyebrow as my smirk dropped. I opened my mouth, ready to let my praise rain over him, assuring him of my devotion, when I saw his eyes glint with a secret laugh, his cheek twitch as he bit on it to keep his self satisfied smirk.

"Now who's trying to be witty?" I laughed up at him. "But for real, I'm happy you wanted to be my plus one."

"Always and anytime, darling." He bent down and kissed me, as we danced on the grass under the struggling light of a setting sun.

So, I usually don't do this, but I thought you all deserved some sort of explanation. First, my laptop collapsed on me, and I lost the start of this chapter. Then I had to save up to buy a new laptop. Then I went on a road trip instead. But yeah, here we go. I'm up and running again. Fingers crossed nothing else will happen and this story will get 'regular' chapters. No promises thou.

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