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Rose's P.O.V.

~At School~

May 16, 2014 3:05am

Hello, I'm Rose Honda. I've lived here in Canada since I was like two or three years old and I hate it here! I don't hate the place Canada but life (if I had one). To be honest, I'm a loner. I've never been really popular nor had many friends. All the friends I had either (1) moved away or (2) they were actually pretending to be my friend.

Sigh...Life sucks.

I stared out the window and started pondering about the disaster I call life.

"MISS HONDA!" screeched Ms.Greenwich.

"Y-yes Ms.Greenwich?" I stuttered.


In case you're wondering, that's my math teacher, Ms.Greenwich. If I had to describe her in one word it would be, scary.

I nodded and quickly walked to the front board.

I stared at the question.

Hmmm...I don't know the answer. I don't know how to answer the question!!!


I nodded quickly and picked up the chalk.

I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead!

OKAY! OKAY! Just calm down all I have to do is answer the question and it'll all be over...

I stare at the question for a few more minutes trying to solve it.

I still don't know the answer... and know Ms.Greenwitch, I mean Greenwich is going to kill me and put me in the death chamber called detention!!! This sucks...

"MISS HONDA! DO YOU EVEN THE ANSWER?!" She yelled furiously.

I shake my head and look down.


The whole class is looking at me and giving a mix of annoyed and 'WOW. You're so stupid' look. This is sooo embarrassing...

I quickly walk back to my desk and put my head down. I hear people whispering and quietly laughing about how stupid I am and how easy that question was. Shut up...SHUT UP! I can hear you guys, I'm not deaf (A/N: No offense to deaf people)! I'm sorry if I sound like a crybaby but I really feel like crying now...


I grab my bag and run out of the classroom as fast as I could.

~At Home~

I ran in the house and saw my mom in the house. MOM? Mom usually doesn't come home until late at night, I wonder what happened.

I walked to mom sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hi Mom."

"Hi Rose"

"Um... Why are you home so early today?"

"Actually, I have some good news and some bad news."

I nodded as she continued to talk.

"The good news is, I got promoted. The bad news is, we're moving back to Japan."

Ehhh?! We're seriously moving back?! This is...AWESOME!

"Really? That's great, Mom!"

"Wait, why are you so happy?"

"We're finally moving back to Japan, that's why!"

"Oh, I thought you'd be really upset about moving..."

"No, I'm fine about it. By the way, when are we leaving? "

"Next week."

"What?! What about packing and stuff?"

How am I supposed to pack all my stuff in a week?!

"Yeah, don't worry about that. The company already bought a house for us with furniture and stuff. All we had to do was pack our clothes and leave by next week."

"Wait, why is your work transferring you back to Japan?"

"Well, two reasons (1) my english is really bad and (2) my accent is really strong so, nobody really understands what I'm saying."

Well, now that she mentions it she never speaks english when she's at home or talking to family on the phone. Plus, it's kinda the same for me too.

"And school?"

"You'll be transferred to a new school, of course" she gave a reassuring smile.

New school, huh? This is going to be so cool! I wonder if we get to wear those uniforms like in the animes.

"Well... I better start packing." I said as I started walking to my room.

"Wait, I'm not done talking yet."

I turn around.

"Yes, Mom?"

"You don't have to pack, I already packed all your stuff. Also you're going to Shitteiru High School and I left your new uniform on your bed so, feel free to try it on."


I ran in my room and shut the door. I look on the bed and see a package on my bed.


I opened the package using my Edward scissorhands... hehe just kidding (I used scissors).

(A/N: I don't own Edward Scissorhands)

I opened the package and all I saw was happiness and rainbows!!!

My uniform cute!!!

I put on my uniform and looked in front of the mirror.

The uniform look so cute on me!!! I thought I would've ruined those cut Japanese school uniforms but now I'm a changed (wo)man!

Now that I think about it my skirt isn't as short like in the animes, it went just above my knees. I feel a little relieved now, appropriate length, exposing the appropriate amount (okay maybe just maybe that could me my motto...nah too weird if I say it out loud).

I can't wait to come back home to Japan... This could be my chance to start my life over (not literally) and become a normal high school girl with friends and do stuff like hanging out with my friends! I can't wait:)

One Week Later

~At the Airport~

May 23, 2014 6:00am

I continued walking through the airport with my mom and our suitcases.

"Are you excited, Rose?" asked Mom.

"Yup!" I smiled as I replied.

"Japan, here I come!" I whispered to myself.


It's A Trap!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt