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It was a normal day like any other. Clearly, that's a lie because if you expected 'normal' then don't go to Ikebukuro, especially if it's where most of the trouble and conflicts takes place

Whenever everyone thinks of 'normal' the city of Ikebukuro is never the place that comes into mind, and no one expects it to be. People most likely ends up avoiding this city because of it's unbelievable and weird, yet true, myths

But just like the city, itself, is unordinary and dangerous, so are the occupants living in the area

It happened around in noon when a certain someone decided to visit this treacherous place and do a 'little' prank just to piss his mortal enemy

Which, successfully, worked in the end as usual...

"Sometimes... I don't even understand what I'm doing..."


"Especially right now..."

"Izayaaaaa!" Shizuo screamed towards the sky. "How dare you disturb the peace here in Ikebukuro?!"

"Oh yeah... Now I remember... I'm here to vex Shizuo~"

Lots of people gathered around a vandalized building and started taking pictures of the giant graffiti that says: Izaya was here

Immediately and obviously, they knew who exactly the culprit was

"Haha! Come and get me you monster!" Izaya provoked, who was literally looking down at Shizuo since he was standing from a high place

Shizuo followed the sound of Izaya's voice. His eyes landed on Izaya, who was atop of the vandalized building, and instantly grabbed a nearby stop sign and hurled it upwards at the other male

Izaya, who was skilled in parkour and freerunning, easily managed to dodge the thrown-object then ran and jumped over multiple other buildings

"Haha! Is that all you got?!" He continued to provoke Shizuo from afar

"Come back here, you damn flea!" Shizuo yelled. He looked around to find something that would enable him to catch up on Izaya

He saw a cyclist passing by. He approached the cyclist then shoved him off his bike. "I'm borrowing this" Shizuo proclaimed while hopping on the apparatus

"Hey-!" The biker, who was confused and angry, was about to oppose but immediately stopped after witnessing Shizuo glared, deadly, at him. "S-Sure" He stammered

Shizuo mumbled a "thanks" before peddling off with great speed and might about to strangle Izaya to death if he ever caught the other

-Time Skip-

"Ah~ That felt good~!" Izaya stretched his arms upon arriving into his apartment

"I take it you spent time with your boyfriend Shizuo?" Namie, the secretary of Izaya, remarked when she saw Izaya enter, while trying to finish her work on the computer

"Ew. That's not a funny joke" Izaya grimaced. "You know that I love all humans except that monster, right?"

"My mistake" Namie apologized while trying to keep in a light chuckle. She liked teasing Izaya on that broach matter, the look on his face whenever she brings up anything about him and Shizuo, makes her slightly cheer up on her hated-job

In all honesty, she never wants to be close to Izaya, in the matter of both distance and relationship. She despises him but she still chose that occupation since she needed the money and bargained with Izaya for protection for her and her beloved brother

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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