Chapter one

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When Sarah walked into the room, my heart flew out the window and hit a flying bird. As soon as I was about to greet her, her boyfriend, James, walked in and as usual swept her in his arms. "Hello there, my sweet Sarah," said that snobby boyfriend. Why does Sarah put up with this idiot? I'm surprised he made it through pre-k. She's way out of his league. He's stupid, disrespectful, rude, and just a plain noob. But Sarah, no she's perfect. She's nice, pretty, smart, and kind( did I mention pretty?). "What's wrong?" Said my annoying wing- woman, Claire. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You've been making stalker face at Sarah for about 30 seconds." I simply shot her a menacing glance and she knew to zip her motor mouth. I can't wait to get away from this wretched place they call William Johnson high school. As if on cue, the alarm bell gave out an air piercing screech that signaled schools out. Thank you universe!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

While I'm working on my homework for my history teacher, Mrs. I got my degree from community college, I got a text alert. I quickly read the message sender's name. Sarah. Oh ok, I'll text her later. WAIT WHAT!!!!

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