Chapter 2

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Why would Sarah be texting me? A lonely nerd? As I opened the message, it read,"hey James, can we talk?" "Sure" I replied. Text alert again. "Listen, I like to draw, and my friend said you really like, appreciate art. So may you critique my drawing I'm doing?" She texted, very thoroughly I might add. "Of course," I replied. She then sent me a drawing of her and James. Ouch. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful drawing that's almost flawless. One flaw, that disgusting excuse of a human being standing next to a beautiful dame. I wish I could draw like that. I'll be lucky if I could draw a straight line. A miracle if I can draw an oval. We'll you know what they say,"practice makes perfect." Then again, last time I practiced making a paper airplane it hit someone in the eye (my teacher). All fun and games til' you lose an eye. "I loved your drawing Sarah, a true work of art." I texted. She obviously has a passion for drawing.Of course!!!! That's how I'll get her to notice me. With drawing!!!! "Thanks. You're so sweet," she texted. So, here's the plan. If I play my cards right with this drawing scandal, I should get her to like me, but one problem. I can't draw. Of course!!!! I could have her teach me. Perfect. Step1 of my amazing plan In progress.

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