The life, to Come Soon

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What up. Same as last time I'm going over it and making it better. Thanks for being patent.

My status as a Woman,a Diamond, is important. I'm known as the pink diamond. Compared
To the others I'm nothing really.The most powerful of all types of ores. Diamonds are like the rulers, masters,creators of all or want not....except there are 4 of them. Blue Diamond creator of feeling and can generate sadness from her own to you,Yellow Diamond a war general , the two White Diamonds always thinking that everything has to be her way and my partner Solar, and Pink diamond. So technically I'm a Queen. They say "Omg it must be awesome have everything almost being done for you.You don't have to worry about the everyday life everyone else has". Well your wrong. Being queen has a lot of responsibilities. Such as making sure that the shipments that we get are in order. Making sure that we have all types of ore in their category. It boring too. You can't do anything at all. You sit there in a throne and act like your perfect when you have just as many flaws as everyone else. If you act upon the urges to
Have fun, or as they say "foolish feelings" you are to be punished. I can go on and on about the importance of being "A diamond " it's not always fun. But the worst of all is the only way you can have children is if the others know or your going to create a heir loom. An heir loom is like you make from your own gem or have kids with the same gem and have them become the king or queen until they disobey the law that they made or the elders made . Which is a problem. I had Crystal without any thought on having another other baby so I'm breaking the rules. But Solar has a plan to create one. To have one a diamond needs to have a other diamond. They can be up to 30 heirs so the traditional time doesn't go out of place. His plan is to have 14 since I had Crystal. The heir can be any age but they
have to prove themselves with F.S.C.It stand for "Fuse,Summon,and Conquer". If they have the quality's then they become the king or queen.The thing is Crystal is my last child, I have 14 in total. Gem is the oldest but has no twin. Lunar, Astro, Oracle, and Thor are a set of quadruplets that look very alike. Amity, Pierce, Ashton, and Castronova, are another set of quadruplets they completely hate each other. Nie, Freddie, Sorrtrova, and Lumenie are once again another set of quadruplets that stick to each other like glue. One thing is for sure is:How am I going to tell them they have a 1 month old sister/brother and I gave her to a human family?How will I deal with the ruckus of having another child that was not disused? That's the thing I'm not

Chapter three is going to take time sooooo. Be patient✌️

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