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Clothes missing just like her

Her skin marred by bruises and dirt

Shivering in a cold corner trying to understand her worth

The life or death question from since her birth


She was disgusted, feeling like filth

And the courage that sprouted in her heart slowly began to wilt

Her perfectly straight life then began to tilt

Her sword of strength broken right at the hilt.


The feeling was not easy, penetration was unwanted 

She had to live with this forever, truly now haunted

But it hadn't settled in yet, it had not daunted

Now stripped of her innocence that she had once flaunted.

Did they look for her? Did they notice she was gone?

Even if they did it wouldn't last for long 

Tempted to cave in since she was never so strong

What was her purpose now? She just felt so wrong.

'Why an I here?' 

Eyes glistened with unshed tears 

As time ticked on and slowly grew near 

It wouldn't be long till she would permanent disappear

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