Kiss With A Fist (Chp. 4)

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   The next morning I woke myself up with a really bad cough. My already raspy throat burned and seemed raspier than before.

    I crawl out of my bed and slouch my way over to the lou. When I look up into the mirror I see a very old man staring back at me. His eyes were blooshot and his bags below his eyes sagged. I snort and punch the mirror, glass shattering everywhere. 

   After I take my morning piss, which sounds like acid hitting the toilet, I get a beer from my mini fridge. I kick the fridge door shut causing empty bottles and a cigarette ash tray on top of it to collapse to the floor. I ignore it and slouch myself down into my recliner. The bottle cap makes a pop sound when I twist it off with my teeth. I toss it up into the air and chug my beer down, tossing it into the air as well. 

  My mind begins to wonder back to the events of yesterday. I, once again, beat the shit out of Stu. There was something different about beating him this time. I had a different feeling. He really pissed me off and for what? For caring about me? For being too cute? For making me want him? For making me love him?

   I give a loud grunt as I pull myself up, placing my crusty elbows on my also crusty knees.

   I need a goddamn drag.

  The cigarette burned my throat even more, I didn't mind. I guess I deserve some sort of punishment for what I did yesterday so I let it burn. I even go as far as to put the cigarette out on my tongue and swallow it. 

    My plan is to avoid all contact from the gang today. Especially Stu. I look over at my cell and check the time. It's about  toofuckingearly o'clock. 

    A light knock on my winnie bango door caught my attention as I was slipping on a ripped up pair of jeans. I groaned. I really didn't wanna be fucking bothered. The winnie bango shakes all over as I stomp over to the door, swinging it open. "I don' wanna be fuckin' -othered today alr-" I was cut off by the figure standing at my door.

   Stu was standing there, his azure blue hair was messier than usual, and his black orbs seemed swollen, if that was even possible. He looked like shit. He was twiddling his fingers when he spoke, "Muds? I-I wanna tal' to ya.". I stared at him for a few moments with my bloodshot eyes bugged out. 

   "Wha' you want, Dullard?" , I hiss. Stu continues to twiddle his fingers nervously. "Can I come in?" I breath in a breath of air, sighing it back out. I stand back out of the door frame and lift my hand up to motion him inside. He slowly steps inside, peeking in. I guess he is scared this is some sort of trap. I was half tempted to scream and scare the shit out of him but I decided not to. 

   Stu stands in the center of my winnie, his arms crossed behind him, and his orbs scanning the surroundings. I walk past him toward my recliner, I could feel him twitch when I walked by. I ignore it and throw myself down onto the recliner and prop a foot up atop the mini fridge. "Wan' a beer?" I ask him. He shakes his head quickly, not ever looking directly at me. 

   Silence sits in the room with us like a big, fat ass, elephant. I grow annoyed and pissed off because I'm annoyed. "Whas thiiis 'bout, Stu?" I spit. He jumped slightly. He seemed more fidgety than usual. "Well, go on with it." 

    He whispers something but I can barely hear it. "Wha' was tha'?" I yell. Stu begins twiddling his fingers again,  biting his lip. I lean up and smack down his hands. "Speak the fuck up!" I finally struck a nerve in him because as soon as I got done yelling his head darted up at me and his black orbs seemed to burn a whole into my puke green skin. "Why yer so mean ta meh?!"

   I was taken aback by this question. I never thought Stu would have the balls to confront me like this. He seemed to think the same thing because he moved back a few steps from me with a shocked expression. I stand up, facing the floor. Stu backs up a few steps more and bumps into a table causing shit to fall. I step closer to him and look up at him. He was scared shitless. This really pissed me off. I rear back my fist and go to punch him but I stop. A flashback comes to me. 

   My father is hovered over me as a small child, he has a sinister look on his face, and his fangs glistened in the moonlight shining in from the window. I was banged up pretty bad. My nose was bleeding and I had a gash on my eyebrow. My left eye was swollen shut and was a purple color. My hands were out in front of me, covering my face in defense. I was shaking all over and tears were streaming down my face. My dad is laughing hysterically. He seemed to love that he was scaring me and beating me. He reared back his fist, like I was doing now, keeping a sinister grin. I was still shaking, but a whimper escaped my mouth. This memory seemed to mirror what was happening at this moment. The flashback begins to fade in and out between me as a small child and to Stu. We were both in the same postion, with the same scared shitless expression on our faces. 

   I hold my fist for a few moments longer but I back away. A horrified look on my face. My fist loosens and drops down to my side. Stu held his defensive stance until he realized I was backing away. He twitched a little but his body relaxed. His orbs were bugged out. He was confused and so was I. I turn away from him. My eyes were swelling with tears. I let a whimper escape my dry lips. My eyes grow wide and I bring a hand to my mouth. I haven't felt so weak and so vulnerable since I was a kid. Tears begin to roll down my face.

   A few moments pass and I hear footsteps approach me followed by a hand on my shoulder. "M-muds?" I hear Stu's sweet voice whisper. I turn my head away. I didn't want him to see me like this. I feel his hand move away only to feel his arms wrap around my body. His head rested on my body. I could feel his warm breath on my skin.

   I couldn't hold this shit in anymore. I let myself cry. My body shaked and jerked. Tears streamed down my face, but Stu never let me go. He never even spoke a word. He let me have my moment in silence and I couldn't ever thank him enough for that. 

   After a few minutes, I've calm myself down. I stand up straight and turn around. Stu is staring at me with a worried expression just like the one he had when I came home from the hospital. I grin at him and pull him into me, holding him in my arms. He accepts the hug and wraps his arms around me, as well. I lay my head on his shoulder and he rest his chin on top of my head. We stay like this for what felt like a lifetime.

   I pull back and grab his hand, bringing him to my bed. We sit down and I stare at him, studying him. My eyes dart at his lips and I crave them to be on mine. It was like Stu had read my mind because his lips were suddenly on mine and we were soon laying down, making out. 

    His body rubbed against mine and my tongue interwined with his. I wrap my hand around his head, pulling him into me. I could feel our erections against eachother. I soon felt Stu's hand at my jeans, trying to undo them. I stop him. I wanted him. Oh, fucking hell did I want him so bad but I at least wanted to have my one night of just holding each other as I always dreamed about. I wanted to cherish this. "Mmmm. Not tonight, love." I say. He looks at me confused for a moment but he nods, understanding. 

    We lay there all night, me rubbing my hand through his hair and him lightly brushing his fingers up and down my arm until we fall asleep. I'd finally gotten what I always wanted and goddamn did it feel good. 


A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait for chapter four but here it is! Don't worry, you will get your sex scene, you perverts! ;)

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