Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- I Don't Wanna Wake Up

Sei's PoV

I woke up, feeling tired. I look around to check where I am

"Ah I'm in my room" I mumbled

What happened yesterday?

All I could remember is that Master Ketsuki and eonnie will be gone to a meeting with Shiju-nim. I lost my consciousness the day before yesterday. It wouldn't happen if I listen to everybody that I was sick.  They told me that I look very tired and pale that I should take some rest. I should listen to them but I didn't. I was so stubborn! 

Yesterday, I saw an apple with a sticky note saying "Be well soon. Everyone is worried about you" on side table. Today, I saw a sticky note saying the same thing but it added "Water to refresh you up" and it was stick on a glass with water. I smiled just seeing it. It's like master Funbi put that sticky note

Now that I thought about Master Funbi, last night, she was here with me and...

My eyes start to sting again then my tears flowed again

She said that she won't go... but where is she now? She's nowhere to be found!

My cries become sobs then it become loud sobs to the extent I hiccup because of lack of oxygen

I miss master Funbi. I miss everything about her

When I calmed myself down, I wiped my tears with a handkerchief and drank the water at the glass. I fixed myself and my bed then went to my door. There's another sticky note saying "Go to the kitchen and eat the egg sandwich. You'll also see another sticky note there. Be careful". After reading that, I opened my door and went to the kitchen. When I reach the refrigerator, there's a bear magnet that has a sticky note saying "You didn't trip on something and come here unhurt, right? If yes then I hope you won't fall at the other places"

I somehow snort and giggle at it for some reason. I opened the refrigerator, get the egg sandwich with a sticky note saying "Enjoy your sandwich~! Also I recommend you to open the TV". I smiled at it, remove the sticky note and start eating it. I went to the living room and opened the TV while eating the sandwiches. The sandwich is a lot. I think it's 6 pieces? But I'm very thankful for it

I watched the TV while eating the sandwich and hugging a pillow near me. I was watching cartoons until there's no sandwich available. I decided to clean the plate because why not? It's only one. I place the pillow to the sofa and turned off the TV. I reached the kitchen again and was about to wash it when, to my surprise, there's a sticky note

It says: Who said you're going to clean the dish? Even if it's one, leave it and go to the dining table. There's a hot choco waiting for you!

I nod with a smile then went to the dining table and there is a hot choco.

There's another sticky notes again saying: Hot choco for a warm and sweet person

 It's like master Funbi is here even though she's not. Sigh...

I decided to watch TV again while drinking the hot choco. I also notice that I like hugging the pillow on the sofa. Maybe for accompany

After some time, my drink was gone and I decided to clean it but when I reach the kitchen sink, there's a sticky note again saying: Halt! Put that cup on the sink and someone will clean it just like the plate

I really feel that master Funbi is here so I just nod and put the cup on the sink. I also decided to go to my room and take some rest because I feel tired again but I feel dizzy while I make my way to my room. As I shut my eyes, I felt hands holding me. I opened my eyes to see dark blue eyes looking at me with worry

"Master Funbi?" I asked to assure myself it is her

What if this is just a dream?

If this is a dream then I don't wanna wake up from it. I want to be with master Funbi even if this all just a dream

A dream that won't happen when I woke up

A dream that will remain a dream for me

"You scared me, pabojun" she said then she hugged me tightly "Why do you always make me worry?"

My eyes then starts to blur and the next thing I know is that I'm crying

I miss her so much to the extent I feel so lonely. I miss her. I don't want her to go away again

"Please don't leave me"

"I won't and I'm sorry. Please forgive me"


Third person's view

Sei thought that Funbi was not there but the truth is, Funbi was there all the time. 

Even the time Sei woke up. Funbi is the sticky note on the glass

Funbi is the handkerchief that Sei used to wipe her tears

Funbi is the bear magnet in the refrigerator when Sei is checking what she should eat for breakfast. She's also the one who made Sei's egg sandwich

Funbi is the pillow Sei's hugging when she was watching TV

Funbi is the sticky notes that Sei always see

Funbi is the one who made the hot choco

Funbi is also the one who wash the dishes while Sei is not looking at the kitchen sink

Funbi did all of it. She shapeshifts to objects that Sei won't notice or that object blends with her surroundings

Sei wasn't alone. Funbi was there all the time. She was just scared that Sei would hate her in the future. That Sei would be broken and a mess in the future. She wouldn't want Sei to be broken heck a mess. She loves Sei so much to the extent she's planning their future but her plan will be ruined with one thing. That one thing is what Funbi doesn't want to happen in the future


A/N: Now don't attack me! Just wait for the future chapters

My ideas are coming up fastly so I think this book will be complete this month or the first week of June. Pls be patient with my slow update. Sometimes I can't really update because I lack of ideas TT

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