D8 Male - Cotton Lewis

399 6 7

Full Name: Cotton Mauve Lewis

Age: 18

District: 8

Hair Colour: Blonde, wavy hair

Eye Colour: Light blue

Celebrity Look-A-Like: Tom Hiddleson

Personality: Quiet, cold-hearted, trusting, strong-minded

Backgorund: Cottom was raised in your average District 8 family, except for the fact that his mother was a teacher at the District school. Cotton's life took a terrible turn for the worse when his mother and father were murdered, and when he was just 10. The last 8 years of his life were spent living with Peacekeepers who seemed determined to get him in the Games. Cotton just happened to be one of the ones responsible for Sparrow's sentence, and Darcy's death.

Family: Pansy Lewis (mum - deceased), Oaken Lewis (dad - deceased)

Career?: Yes!

Alliance: Hopefully the Career wolf pack

District Token: His father's wedding ring

Weapon Of Choice: Ninja stars or nunchaku

Tribute Owner: @paddy97coolpink

Motivation: He wants to prove that his District is not weak

Enemies: Sparrow Falls, his District partner

Writers' Games - Free Falling {CLOSED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ