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The idiot box is perfect for procrastinating for us idiots. To clear things, watching episodes online is included in television.  I love the remote control, I am pretty lost without it. Honestly getting up from the couch is too much of a pain in the arse. I prefer watching news about finding the lost weapon of an ancient God (It isn’t as interesting as it seems) rather than stand up to change the channels.

The things I hate about watching actual television are the awkward moments that come in a package with it. You are watching a perfectly normal movie with so many social messages that you are forced to think and then suddenly just as your father walks in, the protagonist decides it would be a good time to jump his love interest bones… if your father feels awkward about it, he will just shut up and walk away. If he is like my father then you will receive a questioning look with an unspoken statement “That is what you watch all day”.

Oh and the awkward condom ads. I really hate those, not the one that just ask you to use a freaking condom but the one that have a whole back story on where, when and how to use a condom. Okay, maybe not the how part. And especially when they come with catchy jingles. Believe me, you don’t want to be caught humming a condom ad jingle.

Continuing on the procrastination part, the thing is there are so many channels and even if a series is boring/cliché/contains an overused plot, you still watch it. I have watched daily soaps just to place bets with my friends. For e.g. “I am telling you the girl will kill him and then get caught by her boyfriend. Wanna bet?” And when that happens, you can hear me celebrating the death of the person which really doesn’t goes well with my parents.

Procrastinating by watching television really helps if you are interested in being horizontally challenged, you just need someone who cooks for you and a will to procrastinate.

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