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This fanfic is a "Parody" of sorts. In order to fit so many AU's into one massive story, and due to the fact this fanfic started off as a Roleplay between me and my dearest friend, lots of changes have been made for the enjoyment of the story. Please DO NOT take personal offence if your OC (Your Sans or Papyrus) have a different background or personality change and such.

We mean the original creators of these characters no harm, and try to treat each OC with as much respect and love as they deserve. No matter how popular the Sans is, we will NOT take any hate comments. Think of this story somewhat like the warnings off of other popular games like Assassins Creed (Example) The characters, in most cases were once real people. But the developers of the game changed many things from backgrounds to personality to better fit the story they wanted to tell. This is the same way. Please Understand.

This is an ongoing story with no end close in sight. If by chance you like what you've read in the future you can offer a suggestion of a Sans we didn't know about (Like less known Sans') and we'll probably be happy to add them into the story in some way. 

~Thank you for you're time. (From Mint-Dragon & RevoltingNightmares) Enjoy our future works!


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