Chapter 1: A Reformed Nightmare

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It had taken many years of work and pain, but somehow with the combined efforts of Ink, Dream and even Blueberry Sans, one less threat was stopped from hurting the multiverse. That threat no more was none other than Nightmare Sans himself.

After everything was said and done the three Sans' figured the hardest part was over. Blueberry, or as he preferred to be called "Blue" was sent back home to Underswap with his brother Papyrus. Dream and Nightmare, who were overjoyed to be together once more had already agreed they'd probably start getting ready to go back to they're AU for some much needed damage control. However at the same time Dream wanted to spend a least another day in the Anti-Void with Ink, who by this point was like another close brother to him, for everything he'd done by just being there for him in Nightmare's absence. It would have felt wrong to leave so soon.

The Anti-Void had changed slowly over time since the three Sans had lived there. It didn't even look like a void anymore. Not if Ink had a say in it. Ink didn't just create a house for him and his fellow friends to live in, but a whole outside as well with the help of his trusty paint brush. A garden, a pathway which lead around a big landscape of flowers meadows and even a giant lake. He even painted a sky which magically would turn from day to night just like in any other AU.

Nightmare was quite surprised himself to find the void in such good shape, at least in comparison to his own trashed one. He found himself wandering the hallway looking for Dream that afternoon since he spend most of the morning sleeping in pretty late. He'd been sleeping a lot lately since coming back to his senses as well as his true prince-like form again. Having woken up late he noticed his brother missing from the bed across from his own. It was only normal they'd share a room together after so long apart, which is why Nightmare found it funny Dream wouldn't be there right now.

"Dream..?" Nightmare called out softly, finding his twin brother in the kitchen. He seemed to be making a lunch for two. Probably for himself and Nightmare. When he woke up he had also found a cold plate of scrambled eggs and toast on his bedside, clearly for him as well, but of course he slept through breakfast.

Having yet to be used to his brothers friendly voice again Dream jumped a good meter off the ground the moment Nightmare called his name. He turned around to greet him all the same though, his voice a bit shaken from the sudden scare.

"Oh! G-good afternoon, brother!" Dream beamed, sweet smile on his face as always. He'd been quite emotional having Nightmare back with him again, though Nightmare could tell he was trying to keep himself from breaking down. He had his twin back again. Dream wanted everything perfect for him. To make him feel wanted and happy was his only goal now. "I'm glad you up, lunch is ready. D-do you want some sandwiches?"

Nightmare shook his head softly, chuckling as he walked closer. "Nah," he smiled, "believe it or not I'm actually that hungry right now, I just wanted to talk for a while, maybe even walk around if you'd like."

Fumbling with the plate he had two sandwiches stacked on top Dream was hastily trying to clean everything off the counter. "I-I'm sorry. I-I thought maybe--I'll get these in bags first then! J-just a second and--"

The moment he whipped the last sandwich into a bag he accidentally shot the small plate off the counter in the same quick movement. It shattered on the ground making Dream jump once more with a frightened yelp of surprise. 

"D-Dream..." Nightmare said in a hushed tone, bending down to pick up the pieces but Dream bent down as well, trying to shoo his brother away.

"You--you shouldn't touch! Y-you'll cut yourself!" Dream said quickly, trying to pick up the glass. "I'll handle it..!" His gloves were off though and he was only managing to cut himself a bit, wincing as he was forced to drop a few shards. Before he could reach again and grab more pieces Nightmare quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, forcing his twin to look him in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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