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Night - nightingale---Sister to Bunny, Sol, Muffin, Oan, Ducky, and Liv. No apparent children. Daughter of Blue and Dusk

Bunny - bunnerfly Sister to Night, Sol, Muffin, Oan, Ducky, and Liv. No apparent children. Married to Fox (sorta). Daughter of Blue and Dusk.

Sol - BeSilentt- Brother to Night, Bunny, Muffin, Oan, Ducky, and Liv. No apparent children. Son of Blue and Dusk.

Muffin - Muffin324 Sister to Night, Sol, Bunny, Oan, Ducky, and Liv. Mother to Feather and Lemonie. Daughter of Blue and Dusk.

Oan - stitchology Sister to Night, Sol, Bunny, Muffin, Ducky, and Liv. No apparent children. Daughter of Blue and Dusk

Ducky - SurvivorDucky Sister to Night, Sol, Bunny, Muffin, Oan, and Liv. Mother to Em, Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. Daughter of Blue and Dusk.

Liv - OliviaJWrites Sister to Night, Sol, Bunny, Muffin, Oan, and Ducky. Daughter of Blue.

Music - Musicdevil Sister to Trogon, Lotus, Red, Ori, and Stormy. Mother to Ruby. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Trogon - Trogon33 Sibling to Music, Lotus, Red, Ori, and Stormy. No apparent children. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Lotus -  Lotusquill Sister to Music, Trogon, Red, Ori, and Stormy. No apparent children. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry

Red - redhystori Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Ori, and Stormy. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry

Ori - OriginalMidnightSky Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Red, and Stormy. No apparent children. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry

Stormy - StormyTheWolfCat Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Ori, and Red. No apparent children. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Fox - Foxxfang Husband to Bunny. No apparent children.

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