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Feather - Animal-Feather Daughter to Muffin. Sister to Lemonie. No apparent children.

Lemonie - lemonie72 Daughter to Muffin. Sister to Feather. No apparent children.

Em - CrazyEm2004 Daughter to Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Craze - LLamaCrAzE Daughter of Ducky. Sister to Em, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Owl - Daughter to Ducky. Sister to Craze, Em, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Slak - @Slakintr Brother to Craze, Owl, Em, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Pan - Daughter to Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Em, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Panda - What_PandaaaDaughter to Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Em, Noelle, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Noelle - @nhillsomething Daughter of Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Em, Cara, and Pine. No apparent children.

Cara - @notreallysureyet Daughter of Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Em, and Pine. No apparent children.

Pine/Fox - Pineyfox Daughter of Ducky. Sister to Craze, Owl, Slak, Pan, Panda, Noelle, Cara, and Em.. No apparent children.

Ruby - Daughter to Music. No apparent children.

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