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Ring ring riiiiiiiiiinggggg

I went up my phone to see what's up and saw Minghao calling which made me smile to myself


Hello to you too

What'ya wanna talk

Oh nothing.. Just
Wanna hear your
Voice and make sure
You're safely walking

I blushed at the thought of him



But why?

Cuz' I don't want that
Accident last monday
To happ---

I was shocked.. I.. I didn't tell him, it's just mom who knew about it

How did you know?

About what?

U-uhmmm.. I..
I didn't say anything

Xu Minghao tell
It to me right now!

Alright, alright...
I was the one who
Saved you. I was the
One who made the man
Knock out. I was the one
Who took you to the hospital



His voice... It's cracked... Could it be that he's crying?

I... I.. Thank you..
Thank you

F-for what?

For saving me,
For stopping that
prevert, for protecting
Me... Thank you

As I speak, I feel a shed of tear, rolling down my eyes

I don't want you to be hurt,
That's all...

Have you arrived at your house?

Yeah... Thanks..

You're always welcome

I lied to him, another lie that I have to keep as a secret...

End call

I wasn't home yet.. I'm strolling at the park, with the lights all out.

"Minghao... Thanks" I mumbled and huffed

I went to an almost hidden tree where only I and my brothers know..

I texted him

Wohyuk oppa


I'm here st
The tree house,
It's where I'm gonna
Sleep tonight.. Can I please?

Yea sure, sleep there

Do you have clothes
There tho? Been
Months since we
Last went there

Yea, I visit here sometimes
And bring clothes here

Eo, sleep tight!

You too

End of SMS

I climbed up the tree to reach the treehouse that we built when we were kids..

"Appa~~ can you paint rainbows in my corner?" I asked

"Sure kiddo, let's finish your Hanhyuk oppa's corner first ok?" He spoke, ruffling my hair

"Yaaaaayyyyy~~~~" I exclaimed and ran to my corner


"Wohyuk oppa~~~ give my bear back~~" I whined

"Nope!" He said and hid the bear behind his back

"Hanhyuk oppa~~~ Wohyuk oppa won't give me my bear back" I conplained making Hanhyuk oppa chuckle

"Come on, give it to her WoWo!" He complained

"No way, I will, Hanhyuk!" Wohyuk oppa said

They argued wether Wohyuk oppa should give it back to me or not

'Here goes nothing' I thought to myself

"C'mon! Give it back to her already!"


"I told you, I won't!"


"Just.. Give it back wowo!"


"No I--"

"Can you two please shut up?! I only wanted my bear back, that's all, I didn't want you two to argue about it!" I shouted and stormed down the tree house

"Ya!" Wohyuk oppa called

"Here's your bear back, come inside, you'll catch a cold" he said  and dropped the bear on my lap

I grinned and sswiftly walked up the tree

When I was at the tree house, I hugged them

"Thank you.. Please don't fight anymore" I smiled

"You bet" Hanhyuk oppa said

*end of flashback

Remembering those memories, bringing back that happiness I experienced.. Bringing back the times we're still complete.. It all makes me smile and flutter.. But now, mom and dad are divorced and have their own lives.. I.. Can't believe it.. It's unimaginable..

I close my eyes at the thoughts and quickly fell into a deep slumber


Chapter end!

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