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Louis was all giggly and I don't know why. I set my bags down on the kitchen table.

"What's up with you?" I asked curiously. Lately Louis has been so, happy. It's weird.

"Mom said she can watch all the twins." He said, laughing. It was hard to distinguish between the two sets of twins, so we just generally refer to them as "all the twins".

"Wait, why?" I questioned. Mom has been pulling Louis's slack lately and it's getting on my nerves. Then again, Louis hasn't had a boyfriend since he came out. I rolled my eyes at myself and waited for my brother to answer.

"Because I'm going to the fair tonight. And so are you, and Fiz and Elliot." He showed jazz hands. Maybe to try and jazz up the idea that Louis is setting me up with one of his dumb mates.

"Wait-" Louis interrupted me "you said that already." He pointed out.

"I know. I'm trying to get the details. Who am I going with?" I want to know. I bet twenty dollars that it's-"Niall." He said.

"Why do I have to come?" I whined. I wasn't particularly up for a night with my brother and his retarded friends.

"Because, everyone else is dating someone except Niall." Lou pointed out. Were him and Harry... Official?

"What time do I have to be ready by?" I ask one more question.

"Seven o'clock sharp." He answered with a smile.


One word to describe this car situation is freaking cramped. Actually no, cramped is an understatement.

There were no seats left in the car- there was only five to begin with- and I was the sixth person in. So guess whose lap I sat on? Ha yeah, Niall's.

It's not that he's a bad guy, because he's not. It's just I'm not into him. He's a great friend, or a brother like figure, or someone to party with, just not a boyfriend. Or at least not for me. He's more like a puppy.

"So what do you want to go on first?" He looked at me excitedly.

"Any roller coaster that goes upside down." I remarked, smirking. I loved an adrenaline rush. It was the best feeling in the world.

His smile turned into a frown.

"I'm scared of roller coasters." Niall stated sadly. It's like I just kicked a puppy in the face.

"I'm not." Harry added from the driver's seat. Why was he driving but Lou wasn't?

"Well, maybe after we do what we want, I could go with Niall and Har you could go with Lottie so she can go on some rides." Louis said, devising a plan. I thought he was on my team! Why were they talking like I wasn't in the room? Or as if I were a baby?

"Sounds good!" Harry said, looking at me through the mirror. My lips flattened out into a straight line. This was going to be a long night.


"Are we ready to go?" Harry asked me and Louis. And maybe Niall, I think.

"Hold on, you guys should go on some rides. I think Niall has a weak stomach." Louis instructed. He went over to poor Niall, who was bent over a garbage can probably puking his guts out. It was just one spiny ride! Just one!

"Yeah, c'mon Charlotte, let's go." Harry touched the small of my back to get me to move. I stepped forward, hoping his hand would move. It did.

"So what ride do you want to go on first?" He asked me.

"I like The Claw or Zero Gravity." I stated proudly, those are my favorites.

"Good choices, good choices." He muttered. We walked in silence again for a few minutes.

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